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 Cornwall Pt1

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Cabin : Exec 002
Location : Hampshire
Posts : 2896
Join date : 2010-03-19

Cornwall Pt1 Empty
PostSubject: Cornwall Pt1   Cornwall Pt1 EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 4:33 pm

After Vanfest Headed of to Corwall.
To start with the plan was to stop at Breen Sands for a night and spend the day on the beach, then head along the north coast of devon to Tintagel and then follow the coast around Cornwall.
This didn't go acording to plan. It was super windy on the drive down to Breen, I believe it was huracane Katia that was causing the large winds. So Decided to camp inland a bit. Not sure what the site was called but was just off the M5. We were given a sweet spot tucked away in the corner sheltered from the wind.

The morning brough big winds again and some very angry skys, so decided to give the beach a miss, it also wouldn't be the best weather for a trip to tintagel either. Instead decided to spend the day driving and head down to the Lizzard.

On the way down. Headed onto Bodmin Moor and into Blisland for a Pub Lunch at the Blisland Inn.

Ginger on the Moor
Cornwall Pt1 Img_0812

Blisland Village
Cornwall Pt1 Img_0813

By the time we got to St Austel had had enough of driving so decided to spend the night in the area.
Stayed at DoubleTrees Camping and Caravan Site.
Lovelly site with some lovelly views, and a few chickens running about.

Cornwall Pt1 Img_0910

Skys started to clear up as well
Cornwall Pt1 Img_0911

In the Morning went into Mevagissey, a gorgeous little fishing village, as it was close by.

Cornwall Pt1 Mevagi10

Then off the the Lizzard.

Cornwall Pt1 Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Cabin : Flight 004
Location : Reading
Posts : 8831
Join date : 2010-12-12

Cornwall Pt1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cornwall Pt1   Cornwall Pt1 EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 4:39 pm

Cool pics Cool
Like the colour contrast with Ginger and the Moor
The fishing village also looks picturesque with the sun shining through

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bounce Scooby - Born To Run  bounce
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Cabin : Exec 012
Location : wales
Posts : 3118
Join date : 2009-10-16

Cornwall Pt1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cornwall Pt1   Cornwall Pt1 EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 5:18 pm

Ace pics Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Cornwall Pt1   Cornwall Pt1 Empty

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