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 Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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PostSubject: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed May 05, 2010 1:04 pm

Over the last few months my Bay has suffered a number of blown fuses on the split charge circuit to the leisure battery. This led to me installing a VDO voltmeter on the dash so I could see when the leisure battery was not getting a charge. Consequently I discovered that it was the original relay at fault. Rather than replace it with an identical unit I chose to fit a Smartcom Self Switching Relay which monitors the charge in both the starter battery and leisure battery and (in theory) will not a) allow the starter battery to go flat and b) not overcharge the leisure battery and consequently keep blowing fuses.

So here's how I did it - very straight forward. I purchased the Smartcom unit via Ebay. It was £17 including delivery and turned up very quickly. It needs 3 connections: positive from the starter battery (fused), positive to the leisure battery (fused) and a good earth. That's it.

It's handy if you have a voltmeter/circuit tester for the job as you can check what's getting what.
Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch10Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch11
Replaces the original split charge relaySelf Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch12
Wiring for new relaySelf Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch13
It's vital that you have a 20amp fuse near to both positive terminals on the starter and leisure battery:Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch14
Now I can see when the leisure battery is getting a charge - it does what it says - after the alternator has recharged the starter battery the amount of power it took to start the engine the relay then switches power to charge the leisure battery. I had to adjust the output of the relay initially (clockwise) by about 1mm to get the right power output from the relay but now all seems good and most importantly no more blown fuses.Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch15
Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Switch16

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 6:37 am

Just a footnote to this install. I recently had to change the leisure battery as it was only returning 10.5 volts regardless of how much charge it was getting. (It was replaced by Tayna with 1 month of the 3 year warranty to run! All I had to cover was the delivery of the old battery back to Tayna.)

When I first installed the new battery it was drawing more charge from the alternator than the previous one - evident by what I could see on the voltmeter. The Smartcom should only allow charge through to the leisure battery once the starter battery is up to peak. However I could see when activating the starter motor that it was pulling voltage from the leisure battery instead of just the starter battery, so I adjusted the Smartcom to get the balance right. This wouldn't be so obvious if there was no voltmeter in the circuit, however if something as basic as a bulb was fitted on the charge feed to the leisure battery, this could then indicate when the leisure battery is receiving voltage when it should be.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

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Cabin : Exec 018
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Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 11:33 am

I am hopeless with electrics, Tim, so I apologise if these are obvious questions.

Does your voltmeter only 'activate' when the leisure battery is being charged, or does it show the starter battery charge as well.

The other alternative of a bulb, would that be fitted near the dash, and only come on when the leisure battery was being charged.
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Cabin : Flight 001
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Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 4:49 pm

My dash voltmeter constantly shows the voltage of the leisure battery, so I can see when the Smartcom starts to allow charge through - the needle moves up to around 13 volts. It doesn't show the starter battery charge.

The bulb would need to go in between the output from the Smartcom and the positive terminal of the leisure battery, so that would require some lengthy wiring if you wanted it on the dash. I am suggesting you put it between the Smartcom and the leisure battery as a means of setting up the Smartcom, there's an adjustment screw, so you can check that the feed to the leisure battery is 'coming on' appropriately.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

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Cabin : Exec 018
Location : Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts and Bristol
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PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 5:01 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyWed Jul 18, 2012 8:38 pm

My new leisure battery has a small light on top which shows green when charged and red when not, as well as having the circuit tester that Danbury fitted which shows the chagre in the leisure battery.
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PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyThu Jul 19, 2012 8:55 pm

Hi Tim just out of curiosity what is the output from your alternator measure this on your engine battery, just above tick over should be around 13.6 volts.
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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install   Self Switching Split Charge Relay Install EmptyThu Jul 19, 2012 9:01 pm

It's about that Dennis - haven't got a portable voltmeter to check that with at the mo I'm afraid.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

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