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 Brightening up the cab - on a budget

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PostSubject: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 9:57 am

Scooby has painted the original door cards - see Sleepover pic below
Rooby Roo
Brightening up the cab - on a budget Img_3121

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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 11:24 am

Those door cards look great Scooby. Was it easy to do?
Also I'm admiring your front seat covers. I bought some from Fleabay last week. They're OK but look like they'll last one summer. Where are yours from?
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 11:46 am

Hi harryhornet
Door cards were easy to dooo
All we did was carefully remove the door cards
Give them a light sand paper
Grey primer - 2 coats
Blue paint - def. two coats
Clear laquer - 2 coats
All spray cans from Halfords
We also painted and laquered the 'plastic studs' that hold the card in place
Put it all back and placed the odd sticker or two
With regard to the seat covers - they came with Scooby when we got him - seem to be hard wearing
Think they might have come from Halfords?
Hope this helps
Rooby Roo

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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 4:04 pm

If you've got any of that blue left over Scoobs, I'd paint the kick panels too - would look great imo. Basketball

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Brightening up the cab - on a budget Melogo11
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 5:17 pm

All used up I'm afraid - good idea though - will keep it in mind Cool

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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 8:56 pm

funny you say tht cos after talking to scooby at the sleepover and seeing his
door cards i thought it was such a good idea id have ago myself and have
just finished mine this afternoon brilliant idea if you are on a budget like me
thanks for the idea scooby what do you thinkBrightening up the cab - on a budget Dscf1310Brightening up the cab - on a budget Dscf1311
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 9:06 pm

Very good, I like the finish
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 9:20 pm

Fantastic - really looks good - door pockets as well - good colour match
See you have also put the rubber sections over the wheel arches too - just like Scooby
Rooby Roo

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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 9:47 pm

yes ive been busy fitted the rubber matting too good old b&q looks really good got so many new ideas at the sleepover everyone was really friendly
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:11 pm

Good work - really brightens up the cab

Looking at the photos where did you get the fire extinguisher from? I can't seem to find one that fits the orinial bracket
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:17 pm

the fire extinguisher was already in when we got the van so i cant help with this one doesnt have any indication or markings on it as to where it came from sorry
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Cabin : Flight 001
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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:21 pm

Kick panels look great too Andhoops - such a simple thing to do and it really makes an enormous difference. The bonus of course is that if they get marked, you simply respray them again!

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Brightening up the cab - on a budget Melogo11
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Cabin : Flight 001
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PostSubject: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:31 pm

I picked up a spray can in as near a colour match to the Newton Commercial door cards as I could find:

Brightening up the cab - on a budget Kick_p10

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

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PostSubject: Re: Brightening up the cab - on a budget   Brightening up the cab - on a budget EmptyThu Jun 28, 2012 10:57 pm

MarcusH wrote:
Looking at the photos where did you get the fire extinguisher from? I can't seem to find one that fits the original bracket

It's the original one that comes with our Kombis as it's identical to mine.

Great work people, can't do any painting up here too rainy at the mo:D
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