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 Sun canopies

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Cabin : Club
Location : Cymru
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Sun canopies Empty
PostSubject: Sun canopies   Sun canopies EmptySat May 15, 2010 11:03 pm

Anyone tried either of these?

We are travelling to France in July, ferry to Caen then south towards the Dordogne and the Auvergne, and since we dont intend to stay more than one or two nights in one place, have decided to leave our Khyam awning at home.
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Cabin : Club
Location : West Essex
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Join date : 2010-03-28

Sun canopies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sun canopies   Sun canopies EmptySun May 16, 2010 8:51 pm

wyn wrote:
Anyone tried either of these?

We are travelling to France in July, ferry to Caen then south towards the Dordogne and the Auvergne, and since we dont intend to stay more than one or two nights in one place, have decided to leave our Khyam awning at home.

Hi Wyn,

Only good for shade, we have one but made it ourselves, large piece of funky cloth from Ikea with a couple of eyelets put in and used the awning poles and guy ropes to hold it together. Overall cost £22.50 and it works perfectly. So if you buy one I am sure you will have the same results if its only shade you are after.
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Cabin : Club
Location : Currently Korea (used to be belgium)
Posts : 315
Join date : 2009-10-11

Sun canopies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sun canopies   Sun canopies EmptySun May 16, 2010 9:57 pm

If you are not looking for anything colour co ord, then decathlon make a tarp with poles for about £20 it will fit using an extra pole and clamp from a normal awning run through the canvas eye tabs on the tarp. Unlike a lot of ones made for a bus this is polyester and so is water proof we have used it in a thunder storm in Spain and it didn't let Starr through obviously water will go around but that is different . If you are going to Caen then the decathlon there is a big one.

We have basically stopped using our awning in France or any of southern Europe. We just put any excess stuff under the van and usethe tarp. And even with a 7 and 2 year old not having anawning was not really a problem

the pic below is the tarp being used freestanding at Metz

Sun canopies Metz_210 Metz
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