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 Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...

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Cabin : Flight 019
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Join date : 2012-05-23

Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Empty
PostSubject: Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...   Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 9:20 pm

Heading into Dover around 10am , I was travelling out towards Folkestone in my white Audi , spotted you at the last minute... Was it you Roobarb heading off to the Port?

Steve,  Jo  TigerLily and Carra the Child lovin' Golden Cocker  sunny
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Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...   Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 9:23 pm

Could be because they're off to France I think.

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Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...   Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 9:50 pm

Yep bound to be Roobarb.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Melogo11
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Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...   Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me... Empty

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Green 58 Aqua in Dover . Looked like Roobarb to me...
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