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 Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend

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Cabin : Exec 013
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 8:06 pm

In between going up to the van at Sedbergh, Mrs B has been busy again:

Front under dash panels:

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend 9387368942_9db7e52bac

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend 9387367570_7f1243444d

Overhead shelf - almost finished:

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend 9387370826_59f77019f6_b


Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 10:52 pm

Well done that girl ,looking good.
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 11:09 pm

This is getting out of hand Abs, you'll wake-up one day to find you've been papier-mached like a Bond girl painted gold! Or maybe you like it that way in your house ..... Suspect 

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Melogo11
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 7:15 am

Very nice Smile
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 10:13 am

That looks superd

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 10:17 am

She'll get that job as a Blue Peter presenter if it kills her...

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 10:47 am

Absinthe wrote:
She'll get that job as a Blue Peter presenter if it kills her...

I wouldn't bother now, I read that it gets less than 200k viewers now it's on CBBC. In its heyday (ie when most of us were watching) it got 8 million. Biddy Baxter will not be pleased.

Mrs. B will get a bigger audience on your You Tube channel Abs.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Melogo11
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 11:08 am

It's a stepping stone Tim. First Blue Peter, then Countryfile - before you know it we're having dinner with Matt Baker and Julia Bradbury and everyone's happy! bounce 

Boris is a big fan of Adam's farm so he'd be welcome, too, but I draw the line at Craven - I suspect he's a man who can light a room up by leaving it!

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 11:20 am

Absinthe wrote:
but I draw the line at Craven - I suspect he's a man who can light a room up by leaving it!

He speaks highly of you Abs. Wink 

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Melogo11
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 11:24 am

Quote :
He speaks highly of you Abs.

Thanks Tim. Laughing 

Funnily enough we saw him at the caravan show last year at Trafford Park - the audience has just about nodded off by the time he'd finished speaking. Sleep

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 11:27 am

He had the same effect for years on me on Newsround.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Melogo11
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 6:34 pm

I've always suspected that his teeth retired long before he did !
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 7:36 pm

In situ:

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend 9393017705_8e380df780

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend 9395785876_4e925f91a1

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Cabin : Flight 001
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyTue Jul 30, 2013 8:50 am

It's getting like the Sistine Chapel in there!

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Melogo11
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Cabin : Exec 013
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Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend   Mrs B's had a crafty weeekend EmptyTue Jul 30, 2013 9:14 am

Quote :
It's getting like the Sistine Chapel in there!

Bless you!

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

Star Kombi Winner 2015
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