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 Buddy Seat Install

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Cabin : Exec 002
Location : Hampshire
Posts : 2896
Join date : 2010-03-19

Buddy Seat Install Empty
PostSubject: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install EmptyFri Jun 18, 2010 7:01 pm

Fitted the buddy seat I got from Denni in today. By the way Den managed to get the potty in a treat Cool
Wanted it to be removable but also held secure when in the van. After a lot of messing around and about 1hr in B&Q looking for a solution, have come up with this.

Fitted some 15mm plastic tube behind the seat. put some spacers between the bulkhead and the tube. Think i need to paint it black, stands out quite a bit

Buddy Seat Install Bar

Put some 15mm pipe clips to the back of the buddy seat

Buddy Seat Install Clips

Put a securing clasp next to the sliding door to hold the seat in place.

Buddy Seat Install Clasp

and on the other side put a small stopper on the floor to stop it sliding the other way. This is hidden by the mat that goes between the front seats.

Buddy Seat Install Stopper

You then just push the buddy seat in place, close the clasp and bada bing cheers feels pretty secure don't think it will be going anywhere Very Happy

Buddy Seat Install Together
Buddy Seat Install Finished

Buddy Seat Install Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Cabin : Club
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Join date : 2009-11-07

Buddy Seat Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install EmptyFri Jun 18, 2010 8:50 pm

Wow - with your ventilation system and now the buddy seat - you should go into the conversion business! I did something lower tech with my buddy seat - I hated the idea of drilling through the floor - so I used industrial strength velco-on-steroids - so far the seat hasn't moved at all.
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Cabin : Club
Location : Eastleigh
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Join date : 2010-03-28

Buddy Seat Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install EmptyFri Jun 18, 2010 10:12 pm

Danbury's just use a clip either side, which means the seat comes unhitched because it's able to move


Buddy Seat Install Img_2014
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Cabin : Economy
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Buddy Seat Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install EmptyMon Jun 28, 2010 4:15 pm

Great Post. I have been pondering on this problem for my buddy box for some time, been using non slip mat but then the loo wont "slip out" when needed! This is a neat solution.

I like the use of the pipe clips, just want to check there is no patent?.. Very Happy

2006 Air-Cooled Duby
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Cabin : Exec 002
Location : Hampshire
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Join date : 2010-03-19

Buddy Seat Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install EmptyMon Jun 28, 2010 10:24 pm

Patent free Very Happy Xmas has come early santa

Didn't think I'd be posting a santa smiley half way through the year.

Buddy Seat Install Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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PostSubject: Re: Buddy Seat Install   Buddy Seat Install Empty

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