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 If you rent a car ......

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
Posts : 14341
Join date : 2009-09-27

If you rent a car ...... Empty
PostSubject: If you rent a car ......   If you rent a car ...... EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 10:21 am

Hey folks

I'm just back from a week in the Algarve - nope didn't take my BraziBay - but may do one year. I did see one of the Siesta Campers vans on the road though. Smile

I hired a car - like I always have for the last 20 odd years at Faro Airport and like for the last 20 years didn't pay for the extra CDW as I always look after hire cars. Plus it makes the cost go up by nearly another 100 quid.

Well I paid for it this time! The second day into the holiday a massive crack appeared along the bottom of the Hyundai's windscreen. The roads local to the villa we were staying in were being dug up and I reckon a tiny chip that I didn't see must have been put under stress by a pothole and bang goes the screen.

The hire firm wanted me to pay 480 euros to fix it but I chose to seek out a local firm to replace the glass - still costing 250 euros.

So now I'm going to use an annual car hire excess insurance I was recommended by a mate:

£49 will cover a year's worth of car hire so that seems worth it even if I only rent a car once.

It didn't ruin the holiday but I could have done without it.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

If you rent a car ...... Melogo11
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