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 Bay Project

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Cabin : Exec 008
Location : Central Scotland
Posts : 1792
Join date : 2010-09-04

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptySun Sep 05, 2010 7:15 pm

Most of the work done was just before summer, last year (Before our holidays), a lot of the work involved is not in the pics mainly the wiring though.

This is what it looked like when it left Danbury, I searched Danbury's gallery and looked for the same plate.

Bay Project 1223030974_rexfmt2-1

These are the pictures advertising the bus, the last one with monoblock was when we got it home.

I started taking out all the stereo cabling from front to back, as there must of been quite a few subs and amps for
XFM Scotland in the back. Then i discovered the main power feed extended for the rhd conversion had melted must have been to much load on it with the stereo. They must have put all the Dynamat in with the stereo gear. When we looked at it the Webasto heater didn't work at all, so some investigation found the switch was at fault so I pulled it apart and fixed it that saved a few quid.

The floor took a really long time, I was being a bit picky with it lots of routering. I had to join the two pieces together with biscuits and wood glue. My gazebo had to go up as it was raining and I had to get the vinyl floor down as it was getting close to our holidays. I had decided to use mock units to get all my measuring done so I could check the smev unit/fridge/gas/water/waste was going to fit the way i wanted.

The units took a long time too as they where in and out the bus I don't know how many times. Having all your appliances first helped a lot but these were bought on the strenght of the mock up. The doors are from B&Q and the work top is an end panel for a kitchen from IKEA which we found in the bargain basement bit for £5. We bought the toilet from Go Outdoors then measured it and built the buddy seat around it, we then got all our foam cut from a local supplier and upholstered aswell. The white floor is just cardboard to protect the vinyl.

To be continued.....
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Cabin : Exec 008
Location : Central Scotland
Posts : 1792
Join date : 2010-09-04

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 10:04 pm

Next up was the rear unit and bed, I still need to get round to fitting the gloss black veneer on the front of my units and the rear one aswell. The bed I got from Bluebird Customs.

Bay Project 17072009013

Bay Project 21072009022

Bay Project 22072009024

Bay Project 17072009014-1

After having a sore neck stiring our soup with no raising roof we decided to get one fitted, then put some Sheepswool insulation in all the cavitys in the sides and roof.

Bay Project 080410004

Bay Project 080410003

Lights was the next thing to do, these where from ebay they work on 12 or 24v so I can power them with leisure battery or the output from the waeco transformer which is used for the fridge aswell. A flick of a switch swaps from the two. The main reason for doing it this way was I didn't need to put two sets of lights in the bus one for 12v and another for 240v.
Bay Project DSCF0277

These were the curtains getting made, we used poppers to fit the curtains as I think using a curtain track is ugly.

Bay Project 27032010064

My entertainment was next for the occasional damp day.

Bay Project 16052010075-1

This is a few pics of our first outing last summer and some (semi) finished inside shots.

Bay Project 210709001-1

Bay Project 210709003

Bay Project 210709005

Bay Project 210709013
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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
Posts : 14341
Join date : 2009-09-27

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 10:51 pm

Excellent work all round. Well done.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Bay Project Melogo11
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Cabin : Economy
Location : Reading, Berks
Posts : 178
Join date : 2010-05-20

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 8:59 am

nice job. just a quick one I have a full width Bluebird bed in my van and it squeeks like mad, when I get everything in I will get around to putting some rubber pads on the contact points, do you get the same? and if so how did you get over it??


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Cabin : Exec 014
Location : Billericay, Essex
Posts : 319
Join date : 2010-02-17

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 8:27 pm

nice story and images skytiger, a good job, a big achievement!


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Cabin : Exec 008
Location : Central Scotland
Posts : 1792
Join date : 2010-09-04

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptyThu Sep 09, 2010 9:33 pm

Thanks all for your comments.

I find Paul tightening up the pivot bolts on the bed helped to stop some squeaks, rubber pads are on my to do list also.

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Cabin : Exec 008
Location : Central Scotland
Posts : 1792
Join date : 2010-09-04

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptySat Oct 15, 2011 6:53 pm

An update to our camper. We've been living quite happily with the 'half-finished' interior, but the wife's cousin wanted to use the bus to arrive in at her wedding and we felt a bit under pressure to try and get it finished.

5 weekends (we have a habit of leaving things to the last minute) of early rises (well before 8am anyway) and 2.5 litres of really sticky glue for the veneer and job done!

Bed frame taken apart and painted black
Bay Project DSCF5331

new door cards on (but still to veneer buddy seat - more veneer on order!)
Bay Project DSCF5330

Back unit covered with veneer
Bay Project DSCF5328

Look at that shine - can't wait for dog noses to mess it up! Rolling Eyes
Bay Project DSCF5325

Another view of back unit and worktops
Bay Project DSCF5326

Fridge and shelves covered in green
Bay Project DSCF5321

Front of units veneered
Bay Project DSCF5324

And a shiny new exhaust
Bay Project 24082011119

But something tells me that a camper will never be finished!

Time to stick your hands together with fibreglass when designing new headlining - watch this space!
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Cabin : Exec 012
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Join date : 2009-10-16

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptySat Oct 15, 2011 7:14 pm

Very nice Smile
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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
Posts : 14341
Join date : 2009-09-27

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptySat Oct 15, 2011 10:24 pm

I like the colour of the fridge - is that a clue to the forthcoming exterior shade?

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Bay Project Melogo11
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Cabin : Club
Location : Germany, near Cologne- Bonn
Posts : 946
Join date : 2011-08-31

Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project EmptySun Oct 16, 2011 5:15 am

great work, very nice :-)
i think, i must work too on the car ;-)

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Bay Project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bay Project   Bay Project Empty

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