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 Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath

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Cabin : Exec 055
Location : Bridgend, Wales
Posts : 169
Join date : 2014-06-04

Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath Empty
PostSubject: Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath   Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath EmptyMon Aug 03, 2015 12:55 pm

Mabel was pleased to spot two relatives yesterday on our journey back from Norway.  The black van was parked at Calais and I had a good chat with the owners, who didn't know about the forum so I gave them details.  The orange one was headed Walesward and gave us a wave as a tailwind helped us overtake at a veritable 70 mph!
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Cabin : Exec 018
Location : Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts and Bristol
Posts : 2241
Join date : 2011-09-20

Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath Empty
PostSubject: Re: Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath   Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath EmptyMon Aug 03, 2015 1:19 pm

Must be the sunshine bringing them out, sunny waved to a couple in a yellow one heading north M5 near Weston on Saturday, and followed by an orange one today on A4 through Saltford near Bath. Turned off onto A39  at the Globe before I could say hello.
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Black Kombi, Calais and Orange 10 plate on M4 near Bath
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