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 Wild (ish) camping

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bob k
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bob k

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Wild (ish) camping Empty
PostSubject: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 12:00 am

Hi All. as I tend not to use camp sites can any one tell me if you use a portable generator and if so what make?

Thanks Bob K
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Cabin : Exec 018
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Wild (ish) camping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 9:07 am

I haven't got one Bob, but I have been thinking about it for a while, as stated in another post, if a mouse coughs in my village (cleaned that one up  Smile ) the lights go off for days.

I thought at least if I had  a generator, I could boil a kettle and keep the central heating running.

Aldi do one on a yearly basis, and I think they are about £80, but the main ones I looked at were Clarke ones that look about the same as Honda, but much cheaper
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PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 9:51 am

We bought one from Aldi a few years and used it a couple of times just to tipoff the battery but it lives in the shed now 'just in case' the lights go out.

It's 800w and will apparently last around 8hrs with a full tank. Cost about £60 from memory but it's not one of the quiet ones.

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PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 11:42 am

Around May time each year Lidl sell their own brand generator which generally gets good reviews although it does tend to be a bit noisy.

Wild (ish) camping 3410
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PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 2:25 pm

Honda are the best I think but not cheap . We discount the rrp at Danbury Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 2:34 pm

I bought a Honda in 2009 to be honest you can count the number of times I have used it in the van on two hands. Would not get rid of it always handy to have we have lots of power cuts and have a set up at home so it runs the freezer and the heating.
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bob k

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Wild (ish) camping Empty
PostSubject: Wild (ish( camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyFri Oct 30, 2015 10:45 pm

Thanks to all for your advice. I do like the Hondas but its far too expensive for me (living on NHS pension only) Thanks Dizzy may take a look at the Clarke ones. I see you live fairly near to me. Must meet up for to chew the fat one day.

regards to all. Merry Christmas santa
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Cabin : Exec 018
Location : Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts and Bristol
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Wild (ish) camping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wild (ish) camping   Wild (ish) camping EmptyMon Nov 02, 2015 1:01 pm

bob k wrote:
I see you live fairly near to me. Must meet up for to chew the fat one day.

regards to all. Merry Christmas santa

Certainly will, hopefully in the New Year, must try and get a few more so'westers together as my insomniac friend said over the weekend.......only ten more sleeps till Christmas Smile
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