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 High Level Brake Light Install

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High Level Brake Light Install Empty
PostSubject: High Level Brake Light Install   High Level Brake Light Install EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 9:17 pm

The 2010 T2 comes with a factory high level brake light - when I saw it in the flesh at Danbury recently it made me realise how useful an enhancement this is. So Max's Christmas present this year is just that. I've elected to install the 3rd brake light at the top of the tailgate glass rather than put something on the exterior.

I picked up a Roadster 24 led 3rd Brake Light off ebay for £5 plus postage from a seller known as apex-auto. Arrived really quick and here's how I installed it. If you've done any car electrics - you'll be able to fit this. It took me about 3 hours.

The light attaches to the glass via arms with sticky pads - there's a screw which locks the angle once you're happy.
High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br10

Having measured where the centrepoint on the light was I marked the centre point on Max's rear window with a white crayon - to get it all lined up.
High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br11

Next I made a small hole in the side of the fixing arm to enable the wire to sit snug in the position I wanted the brake light to be parked in.
High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br12High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br13

Next up I cleaned the fixing area of the glass with an alcohol wipe and stuck the light into position. I fed the wire into the groove between the window rubber and the tailgate and fixed it into position by a strip of white electrical tape. I went for white as it blends beautifully with the paintwork on the inside of the tailgate. I fed the wire through the same path as that of the heated rear window. I used a length of household electrical wire (stiffer) to create the path through to the right hand side of the engine bay and then attached the brake light wire and pulled it through. It's useful to use the access available via the external air vent for initially pulling the wires through.
High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br14High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br15High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br16
I took the opportunity to slip a rubber grommet around the new brake light wire and the existing heated rear window wire - I don't like wires rubbing against metal for obvious reasons!

With the brake light wire now in the engine bay I removed the back of the offside tail light and sourced which of the two wires to the centre bulb was the brake light feed. On my Bay it was the outer wire. For neatness I fed the brake light wire through the tailight grommet with all the other wires. I pulled off the spade connector, snipped the wire in half and crimped it back together with the positive feed for the new brake light in addition. Next up I connected the earth to one already in use at the bottom right of the engine bay.
High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br17High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br18

I think the result speaks for itself. I'm a happy campervanner.

High Level Brake Light Install 3rd_br19

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

High Level Brake Light Install Melogo11
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Malcolm Eales

Malcolm Eales

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High Level Brake Light Install Empty
PostSubject: High level brake light   High Level Brake Light Install EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 9:28 am

Nice job Tim, I've been meaning to do this for a while but my preference is for an external light to leave the rear window as clear as possible. I also like spiral wire wrap to 'attach' a new wire to an existing cable run and it can provide extra protection through body work holes.
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High Level Brake Light Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: High Level Brake Light Install   High Level Brake Light Install EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 9:58 am

Max is looking good with his new brake light and his house!

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

High Level Brake Light Install Empty
PostSubject: Re: High Level Brake Light Install   High Level Brake Light Install EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 12:39 pm

Malcolm Eales wrote:
Nice job Tim, I've been meaning to do this for a while but my preference is for an external light to leave the rear window as clear as possible. I also like spiral wire wrap to 'attach' a new wire to an existing cable run and it can provide extra protection through body work holes.

The obstruction in view is very minor with this particular light as it is literally a thin bar - and what's nice is I can see it come on in my mirror so I know the brake lights are working cyclops

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

High Level Brake Light Install Melogo11
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