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 Green water cooled heading up the A12 1pm today.

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Cabin : Flight 019
Location : Dover
Posts : 2332
Join date : 2012-05-23

water - Green water cooled heading up the A12 1pm today.   Empty
PostSubject: Green water cooled heading up the A12 1pm today.    water - Green water cooled heading up the A12 1pm today.   EmptyThu Sep 01, 2016 10:37 pm

Coming back from client visiting in Witham today I saw at the last minute a green water cooled going the other way. Initially thought it must be Baylee but noticed in my rear view mirror that a rear wheel cover was in place and know Dave took their's off..

Do we know who this might have been?

Steve,  Jo  TigerLily and Carra the Child lovin' Golden Cocker  sunny
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Green water cooled heading up the A12 1pm today.
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