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 Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW

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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyTue Sep 01, 2020 7:11 pm

We have stuck with Danbury for all our service and maintenance work from new. Our six-monthly visits there have been seen as an opportunity to have some holiday time in the area. Sadly Danbury are fading away so far as our BraziBays are concerned. They have out-sourced service work, don’t offer MOT anymore and have told members on the forum to go elsewhere for spare parts.
Consequently we have been looking for an alternative.
Last week we visited Simon Kerr at AbsoluteVW in Castle-Donnington. MOT passed after a fix to the tell-tale light on the fog-light switch. Simon gave us and our camper lots of attention and we have agreed a list of jobs to be completed next month. Absolute have worked on BraziBays for some time and with a connection to VWKampers/Brazilian Kampers will, we hope be our new Danbury.
Also a chance of holiday time in a different part of the country.
Thank you Danbury, but goodbye.
Hello AbsoluteVW

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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyThu Sep 03, 2020 9:42 am


Simon @ Absolute is a great guy and they know the T2 Brazilians well.

We will be working closer with them in the future.




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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyFri Oct 16, 2020 12:10 pm

Our second visit to Absolute VW was a hectic day for them.
Five new Goodyear Vector Cargo tyres as the old ones, although plenty of tread, were eight years from manufacture. Clean up of excess old grease accumulated around the kingpins and brake backing plates during previous services at Danbury. Grease to all steering and suspension points. Adjustment to steering arm and tracking. New linkages and bushing for the gear change (actually I liked it when it was a bit vague). Rust repair and re-paint of wing corner next to the rear valance, and anti-corrosion re-treatment of the whole lower perimeter.
Thanks to Simon and his team for fitting this into one visit

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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyTue Apr 27, 2021 2:52 pm

Another visit to AbsoluteVW yesterday. Simon is always keen to sort things to be as you want.
'Danbury type' major service and some new rear wheel bearings fitted. Replaced gearbox oil - I had asked for Morris 80W/90 mineral gl4 or similar. A short length of pipe and two jubilee clips now on board in case of failure where left full-lock had previously marked the driver side rubber radiator pipe
Trying to make more use of the camper from now on.
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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 12:29 pm

osg wrote:

Trying to make more use of the camper from now on.

We can all hopefully doo the same in the coming months! Smile

Proud winners of Spike's Trophy 2017

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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyTue Apr 26, 2022 9:48 am

Another day of excellent work from Simon at AbsoluteVW yesterday
Booked in for a major service and fitting of a new starter-motor that we had been carrying around due to intermittent issues.
Also blended in some new paint down one side and around the lower rear-hatch opening.
Re-engineered conduit for clutch cable to fix an issue with uneven movement at the peddle.
Well worth a day there even if it is 100 miles away
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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptySat Apr 30, 2022 6:51 pm

Good work - need to keep the Kombi in tip top condition as the season is upon us!

Proud winners of Spike's Trophy 2017

bounce Scooby - Born To Run  bounce
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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyTue Sep 19, 2023 12:15 pm

Just back from a Major Service and MOT (pass) at AbsoluteVW.
For the past 8 weeks Simon is in new premises at 100 London Road, Shardlow just a few miles from his original site in Castle Donnington. He has a fabulous new workshop with a secure compound. There are multiple lifts and a rolling road for future MOT work. Also a forecourt to be developed for vehicle sales.
Lots of Beetles, Splits and Bays (including one Brazi) to see whilst there. A hundred miles away but well worth the trip for the service you receive from Simon and his Crew.
We camped, with our drive-away awning as a base, at Shardlow Marina just a short walk away

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Cabin : Exec 015
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Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW EmptyTue Sep 03, 2024 7:40 pm

Another night and following day at Shardlow Marina Campsite
A minor service and MOT (pass) with Simon at Absolute VW just a 5 minute walk from the campsite
New handbrake cables fitted and a small repair to the tailgate latch plate
Planning made for a re-visit to address some areas of paint - keeping the rust under control
Worth a look at their stock of vehicles for sale, or a good place if you want service or repair.

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PostSubject: Re: Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW   Bye Danbury, hello AbsoluteVW Empty

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