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 Space Roof - mulling over making the change

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Space Roof - mulling over making the change Empty
PostSubject: Space Roof - mulling over making the change   Space Roof - mulling over making the change EmptyThu Apr 15, 2021 3:32 pm

Hello all

We've had our Camper for 2 years now and are mulling over changing our roof from the standard Danbury to a Spaceroof. I've found an earlier thread about them and seen the website but has anyone made the leap to change over and any regrets? It looks like there is a much bigger hole cut in the roof so it's an all or nothing decision.

Many thanks!
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Space Roof - mulling over making the change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Roof - mulling over making the change   Space Roof - mulling over making the change EmptyThu Apr 15, 2021 6:14 pm

Tim Votier had one of each for a while.
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Space Roof - mulling over making the change Empty
PostSubject: Re: Space Roof - mulling over making the change   Space Roof - mulling over making the change EmptyFri Apr 16, 2021 9:10 am

See TimV post in this link: Tango

You can also use the search function in the bar above for other posts regarding the spacer roof

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PostSubject: Re: Space Roof - mulling over making the change   Space Roof - mulling over making the change EmptyFri Apr 16, 2021 11:55 am

Thanks Scooby for the link - somehow I missed this when searching!!! Must try harder next time.
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PostSubject: Re: Space Roof - mulling over making the change   Space Roof - mulling over making the change Empty

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Space Roof - mulling over making the change
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