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 water cooled official engine emissions figures?

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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 10:26 am

Hi, does anyone know the official emissions ratings for the water cooled total flex 1.4 engine?

I have looked on my vans v5 and the appropriate boxes are blank. The vehiicle category is also blank. I live in Manchester and we have a low emission zone coming in to effect next spring. Petrol engined motorhomes & campervans with an engine rated Euro 3 or earlier will be charged. I am not really sure at the moment how they will interpret our vans if the details are not on the V5 so want to get prepared etc.

My v5 shows it registered as PLG with body type motorcaravan. Reading the proposals for the zone, they will look at the motorcaravan body type and the vehicle category to determine any charges

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Cabin : Flight 044
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 10:50 am

You can already check whether you would be charged for London, Birmingham, Bath and Portsmouth. Ours would be charged £15 for London but is exempt for the other 3. Birmingham's rules stipulate that Euro 4 or later are exempt, so it sounds like Manchester will be similar.
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 10:54 am

Thanks Alan, Do you suppose they go from the age of the vehicle and just assume it is euro 4?
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Cabin : Flight 044
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 11:06 am

Vehicles newly registered from January 2006 onwards had to conform to Euro 4. Presumably some vehicles registered before that date also conformed to Euro 4. My diesel Audi is also chargeable for London but not the other ULEZs.
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 11:08 am

Great, hopefully Manchester will follow the same rules. It will be the congestion charge that we have to pay in London rather than the ULEZ I think

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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 11:10 am

Is it the case that cars and campers with the same engine will be treated differently?
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 11:32 am

For Manchester, they are defining specific rules for body type = motor caravan

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Cabin : Flight 044
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 3:24 pm

When I check the Government Clean Air Zone website I find that our van is listed as a van rather than a motor caravan for Clean Air Zone purposes. That means that Euro 4 applies rather than Euro 6.
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Cabin : Flight 044
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 3:42 pm

Skooby wrote:
Great, hopefully Manchester will follow the same rules. It will be the congestion charge that we have to pay in London rather than the ULEZ I think

It is effectively the congestion charge in London (aka ULEZ) but it is being extended to the North and South Circulars.
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Cabin : Flight 044
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water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? Empty
PostSubject: Re: water cooled official engine emissions figures?   water - water cooled official engine emissions figures? EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 3:57 pm

Ours is listed as a PLG (private light goods) on the V5, which is the same as a car. At worst it should be an M1, a motor caravan under 3.5 tons, which is also exempt.
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