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 V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".

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Cabin : Club
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V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty
PostSubject: V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".   V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". EmptyTue Jun 25, 2024 4:36 pm

After owning my right hand drive Danbury Rio for 6 or 7 years, I have just noticed that the V5 states "left hand drive".

My question is - Does this matter? Do I need to do anything?

Also, I have realised I know so little about my Rio. Was it LHD when imported to UK and then converted? Now I am curious!

All help and comments will be gratefully received!

Thank you.
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Cabin : Exec 015
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V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty
PostSubject: Re: V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".   V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". EmptyTue Jun 25, 2024 6:24 pm

All Danbury buses were imported as LHD. Some remained so but many / most were converted by Danbury to RHD which involved inverting the steering box as it was moved across.

If correcting your V5 you should also make sure it is properly described in the section Body Type as 'Motor Caravan'.

There are no sections for LHD / RHD on my V5 - whereabouts is the description LHD printed?


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Cabin : Club
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Join date : 2020-10-22

V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty
PostSubject: Re: V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".   V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 3:12 pm

osg - Thank you for your help.

I have checked the Body Type - it is "Motor Caravan".

The description LHD is on the first page of the V5 under Special Notes. That section states "these notes cannot be removed".

V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Pxl_2010
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Cabin : Exec 015
Location : Merseyside
Posts : 1580
Join date : 2010-09-21

V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty
PostSubject: Re: V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".   V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". EmptyTue Jul 02, 2024 1:18 pm

No mention of Left or Right hand drive in that Section of my V5
The Left to Right steering conversion if standard Danbury factory practice should not be an issue for your insurer when notifying modifications.
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V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty
PostSubject: Re: V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".   V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive". Empty

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V5 says that my right hand drive Rio is "left hand drive".
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