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 Absinthe with trailer

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Cabin : Club
Location : Ashby de la Zouch
Posts : 32
Join date : 2013-08-28

Absinthe with trailer Empty
PostSubject: Absinthe with trailer   Absinthe with trailer EmptySun May 11, 2014 11:44 pm

Spotted what I am sure was Absinthe heading North on the M6 this afternoon at exactly the same time as Lewis Hamilton was fending off Nico Rosberg on the last lap of the Spanish Grand Prix. I did not wave as I was heading South after a couple of weeks in Scotland, in my VW California.
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Cabin : Exec 013
Location : Leyland, Lancs
Posts : 5654
Join date : 2011-07-25

Absinthe with trailer Empty
PostSubject: Re: Absinthe with trailer   Absinthe with trailer EmptyMon May 12, 2014 10:27 am

Yes, that was probably us - on our way back from Wing Hall for a family weekend with Mrs B at the wheel.

It was a bit windy...

PS I'm honoured that your first post was after seeing Absinthe!

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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Absinthe with trailer
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