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 Dashboard switches

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Cabin : Exec 002
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 3:15 pm

Just a quick question for you guys.

For the push/pull switches on your dashboard, are your lights on or off when the ignition and or lights are on?

The reason I ask this is on mine, the rear fog switch is dimly lit when the headlights are on and fully lit when I pull the switch out indicating that the rear fog is on.
For my front heated screen there's no indication at all until I pull the switch all the way out telling me the heated screen is on.
after having a play with the switch, I swapped the top two wires around so I now have the swich dimly lit when the ignition is on and fully lit when the switch is pulled out.

Was just wondering if my was wired wrong or if everyone elses was like this.
If you've got the same problem I had and can't find the switches in the dark, this might solve your problem.

My rear heater switch is a different design, so I think I'm going to swap it over to the other type.

Dashboard switches Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 3:27 pm

kiteman wrote:
Just a quick question for you guys.

For the push/pull switches on your dashboard, are your lights on or off when the ignition and or lights are on?

The reason I ask this is on mine, the rear fog switch is dimly lit when the headlights are on and fully lit when I pull the switch out indicating that the rear fog is on.
For my front heated screen there's no indication at all until I pull the switch all the way out telling me the heated screen is on.
after having a play with the switch, I swapped the top two wires around so I now have the swich dimly lit when the ignition is on and fully lit when the switch is pulled out.

Was just wondering if my was wired wrong or if everyone elses was like this.
If you've got the same problem I had and can't find the switches in the dark, this might solve your problem.

My rear heater switch is a different design, so I think I'm going to swap it over to the other type.

I have never really noticed as from the seated position I have to stretch my neck to look. What I do know is, the fog light comes on when pulled out as does the heated rear screen. As for a front heated screen...Olive doesnt have one.

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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 4:02 pm

I don't think any of ours are lit at all until pulled out, and the rear foglight only lights when pulled out and the main lights are on. I will have a closer look later when it gets dark(er).

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Cabin : Exec 002
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 4:09 pm

Tilly wrote:
I haven't noticed any dimly lit switches - would be quite useful though if they were all dimly lit when the lights are on!

Lights coming on dimly at odd times in cars is often symptomatic of a bad earth connection somewhere - good luck with that!

The Hella switches that are fitted have the option of the lights being off or dim when the switch is off and then fully lit when the switch is on.

Mine are now dim when off so I can find them in the dark Cool. Just need to swap the rear screen to the same type of switch

Dashboard switches Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyThu Jun 16, 2011 7:23 pm

I wish posts like this didn't appear. I don't know what our van switches do - but I feel the need to go and check as soon as it is dark. The only problem is our van is kept in a garage about 100yds from our house !!
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Cabin : Exec 002
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyFri Jun 17, 2011 1:40 am

As mentioned in the first post, all I had to do as swap the two top wires around and it now works. bounce

Dashboard switches Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Cabin : Exec 002
Location : Hampshire
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyTue Jul 12, 2011 1:35 pm

Fitted the Hella switch unit to the rear screen heater, now have matching switches with illumination when on and off.

Dashboard switches Imag0610

You can get them HERE

To remove the old switch. Unscrew the push/pull knob, then unscrew the metal collar on the front of the dash.

Using the existing wires, connect them up as follows.

Dashboard switches Imag0611

Wiring them up this way, the switch will be dimmly lit when the ignition is on but the switch is off, so you can see it in the dark. Then brightly lit when the switch is on.

The black wire that is left over is another 12v switc h wire coming from the ignition. Tape this up, to prevent it accidentally shorting out, as it's not needed.

Then screw into place using the existing hole.

Just need my sticker sheet so I know which one is which.

Dashboard switches Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Cabin : Exec 002
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 3:17 pm

Nice one Tilly. Didn't even think to look at the hazzard switch. Think I'll be fixing that when I get home as well.

Dashboard switches Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Dashboard switches Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dashboard switches   Dashboard switches EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 9:30 pm

To many lights for me,i like it dark !!
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