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 Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger Empty
PostSubject: Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger   Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger EmptyMon Jun 20, 2011 2:23 am

Well here is the swivel base pictures of the top, bottom and fittings.

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0654

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger 1DSCF06553

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger 1DSCF06554-1

This is what it looks like with seat removed.

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0670

When i placed the base onto the original runners it became clear the holes were not going to line up, the first option is shown in this pic. This then requires the corner of the base to be cut in order for it to swivel fully next pic.

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0669-1

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0668

Second option is moving the base back so the rear whole lines up and then drilling another hole in the base for the front fixing. Although this will require more metal removed from the corner to allow full swivel action.

A few pics of the seat fitted on top. You do need to move the back of the seat forward in order to clear seatbelt pillar, door and steering wheel. It's not ideal with having to use the turning wheel, but mazda seats have a lever so should be quicker and easier once fitted.

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger 1DSCF06555

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0665

I haven't decided which way to fit it and I might wait unitl I have my replacement seats and try everything at the same time. You can see it only raises the seat up about 30mm.

Also the original hole in the rear of the seat runner is not big enough for the bolts supplied to fit into and the bolts are too long and hit on the wheel arch so these will need to be addressed to.

Why is nothing simple ehh!!

Here is another photo to explain the problem with the holes in the original runner that is welded to the floor.

Swivel Seat Base Install by Skytiger DSCF0671-1

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