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 My (several) Modifications - more coming up...

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Cabin : Club
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Join date : 2011-06-25

My (several) Modifications - more coming up... Empty
PostSubject: My (several) Modifications - more coming up...   My (several) Modifications - more coming up... EmptyWed Jun 29, 2011 8:28 pm


during the last months and years I done several modifications - mostly inspired by the original T2b - and here are some photos of selected spots.

Some others (rock n roll bed / alarm with gps tracker / etc) are not available as photos and some others are still to come up (especially the roof insulation and carpeting - very sticky one!!!)

Please feel free to contact me for questions or how to´s... Smile

N.B. In case someone is interested in a complete set of original VW fresh air blowers (with wiring and switch) there is one left.

My (several) Modifications - more coming up... Umbau10
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My (several) Modifications - more coming up...
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