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 Bugs & buses on display in Rotherham this Saturday,

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Cabin : Club
Location : Winster nr Matlock Derbyshire
Posts : 66
Join date : 2011-08-31

Bugs & buses on display in Rotherham this Saturday, Empty
PostSubject: Bugs & buses on display in Rotherham this Saturday,   Bugs & buses on display in Rotherham this Saturday, EmptyFri Sep 09, 2011 5:15 am

Rotherham show is happening this weakend in Clifton Park,Rotherham.

Saturday Events.

From 10am & throughout the day: Horticultural Show, Yorkshire Rat Club, The Prince's Trust and Rotherham Youth Enterprise, Funfair, Rotherham Diversity Festival, Military Displays, Colourscape, new Garden House and Walled Garden, Trade Stands and Exhibitions, Refreshments

  • 10.00am - 4.30pm Vintage Vehicle Static Display Bandstand area
  • 10.00am - 5.00pm Fun Dog Show Activity Area
  • 10.00am - 5.00pm Archery Activity Area
  • 10.30am - 4.30pm Range of activities including sampling food Clifton Park Museum cooked on Victorian Range
  • 11.00am - 4.00pm Redroad FM 102.4 Bandstand area
  • 12 noon Welcome to the Show by the Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor S. Wright
  • 12 noon Opening of Horticultural Show
  • 12.30pm - 1.00pm Tricky Tikes Terrier Racing Main Arena
  • 1.00pm - 5.30pm Folk Festival Music Marquee
  • 1.10pm - 1.35pm The Pre Hee Men Main Arena
  • 1.45pm - 2.15pm Phoenix Falconry Flying Display Main Arena
  • 2.30pm - 300pm Tricky Tikes Terrier Racing Main Arena
  • 3.10pm - 3.40pm The Pre Hee Men Main Arena3.50pm - 4.20pm Phoenix Falconry Flying Display Main Arena
  • 4.00pm - 4.20pm Presentation of Awards - Vintage Vehicle Rally Bandstand Area

The "Vintage Vehicle Static Display Bandstand area" includes Sheffield Volkswagon owners club (SVWOC) bringing their campervans and "whatever turns up" one of which will be my beloved Adie. So if your in the area, feel free to call in and say hello.
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Bugs & buses on display in Rotherham this Saturday,
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