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 Sewing machine/curtain making

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Join date : 2010-03-28

Sewing machine/curtain making Empty
PostSubject: Sewing machine/curtain making   Sewing machine/curtain making EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 8:48 am

Just a heads up for anyone wishing to make their own curtains but not having a machine to run them up on. Ikea have just started selling a small one for £60. We bought it on the off chance that it was any good,(as ours is old and decrepid) along with some van matching material, and it actually coped with making the front curtain very well. Only struggled at one point, when going along the top which meant it was sewing 8 thicknesses of the material, and it was only on one of the tab tops that it did this. It can do 13 different stitch types.
So far we have only made the front curtain. We went with copying Tallulah's excellent idea of putting a pole across the van between the front roof handle and the roof catches (old style). With the pole cut to size (we used an old windbreak pole) and the end covered in felt (we went with a chair leg pad cut down) it happily holds itself in position so nothing needs to be attached to the van. Hopefully will crack on with more curtains this weekend, time permitting. Will post some pic's once all done.


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