Subject: Pole and clamp kit Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:34 am
So I've finally decided to take the plunge and get myself an awning. After chatting to a few people at shows and reading lots of posts on here I've decided on the Khyam Driveaway Compact 300. And a pole and clamp kit to attach it. However there seems to be some kind of national shortage, I spoke to Khyam this morning and they have no idea when they'll be getting any more in. Having googled there seems to be all manner of different variants on the system. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Thank you!
(Note it is 250 cm long as opposed to 310 cm, so you would have to check if it is long enough)
Cabin : Club Posts : 27 Join date : 2014-02-08
Subject: Re: Pole and clamp kit Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:53 pm
We had the same issue ordered awning etc from Khyam via Campervantastic at the Camping and caravan show at the NEC earlier in the year. The pole and clamp set didn't arrive and after speaking to khyam directly they said then that there wasnt any in stock and didn't know when they would have any in so we got a refund as we had paid for them!
We found some clamps in the glovebox that the previous owner left behind and use some gazebo poles for now. Any pole will do, even some tent ones, its just finding a suitable clamp.
Cabin : Club Location : Eastleigh Posts : 883 Join date : 2010-03-28
Subject: Re: Pole and clamp kit Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:45 pm
If you follow the 'deal on sidestep on ebay' link, and click on other stuff they are selling, they have 2 clamp kits for sale. No pole unfortunately, but you could use any old tent pole. Our sun shade uses 3 clamps, so would suggest 2 kits.