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 Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!

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JLS 62

JLS 62

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Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty
PostSubject: Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!   Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! EmptySat Dec 06, 2014 11:25 am

If anyone was ever tempted to change their beloved Danbury, the only choice has to be a T25. This particular one, the only one in Mwanza possibly, seems to go past our compound every other day. If you want to know it's capability, look at my earlier posting entitled Campervan friendly - NOT!

Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Dsc07110
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Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!   Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! EmptySat Dec 06, 2014 1:45 pm

Some of them were 4 wheel drive and had big nobbly tyres


Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Img_2014
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Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!   Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! EmptySat Dec 06, 2014 2:48 pm

Interesting how it's got a 1999 UK prefix style reg.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Melogo11
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JLS 62

JLS 62

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Location : Leicester - the centre of the world - sorry England
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Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!   Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! EmptySun Dec 07, 2014 12:48 pm

TimV wrote:
Interesting how it's got a 1999 UK prefix style reg.

Hi Tim - all vehicles carry a T prefix.  Mine is T606 AYE. There is no way of telling how old your vehicle is from its registration plate.

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Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !!   Upgrade to T25 - the only way to go !! Empty

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