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 Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?

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Cabin : Exec 039
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Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Empty
PostSubject: Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?   Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? EmptySat May 09, 2015 8:01 am

Looks like low cars < 1.85m and high cars > 1.85 are the same price.

If I put in high van > 1.85 m - prices go up. Evil or Very Mad

Anyone any thoughts, been there, got the T-shirt? Thanks.

PS: I know the ferry is cheaper, but on the way back time will be of the essence.
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Cabin : Flight 001
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Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?   Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? EmptySat May 09, 2015 9:00 am

Think you should ring them.

Effectively it is a van ....

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Melogo11
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Cabin : Exec 055
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Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?   Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? EmptySat May 09, 2015 10:31 am

From recollection there is also a campervan option. It unfortunately spits out a slightly higher cost than a car.
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Cabin : Flight 019
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Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?   Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? EmptySat May 09, 2015 10:15 pm

As Tim says call them and let them make the decision and give you the best price.. Whatever they tell you suggest P&O have offered you a better offer... When I looked I did think I'd need to book as a Van rather than a car...

Steve,  Jo  TigerLily and Carra the Child lovin' Golden Cocker  sunny
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PostSubject: Re: Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van?   Eurotunnel - are our vans a high car or a high van? Empty

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