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 10 Luxurious Campervans

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10 Luxurious Campervans Empty
PostSubject: 10 Luxurious Campervans   10 Luxurious Campervans EmptySun Jun 28, 2015 11:46 am

Scooby doo like the first one in the 10, but we are more familiar with number 8 Wink


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10 Luxurious Campervans Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 Luxurious Campervans   10 Luxurious Campervans EmptySun Jun 28, 2015 12:00 pm

Apparently, number 8 comes in different colours too although we're not bothered by that.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
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10 Luxurious Campervans Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 Luxurious Campervans   10 Luxurious Campervans EmptySun Jun 28, 2015 12:04 pm

I like the Sonic Supreme but it's more than my budget for a new van would be.

The helicopter looks neat and having a heli mad grandson I have copied the link to my daughter to see if it's something they would rent. £100 a night though?
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