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 Awning / Tent Light

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Cabin : Exec 018
Location : Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts and Bristol
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Join date : 2011-09-20

Awning / Tent Light Empty
PostSubject: Awning / Tent Light   Awning / Tent Light EmptyWed Aug 17, 2016 6:56 am

Pats' 6 year old grandson is joining the Beavers in a couple of months, so we decided to take the family camping for a long weekend in Dorset to see what he would make of it. I took my tent, and I got him a stove and mess tins so he could cook his own food.

As they were new to it I also bought one of these in case of 'emergencies' in the night, and a bit of security. Unfortunately it is 240v so it needs a hook-up, but it collapses down into a 6" square box, and it has a built in dimmer to take it down from 100% to 10% so acts as a nightlight.

Awning / Tent Light Imgp2613

Awning / Tent Light Imgp2614

(Younger brother was more interested in Dizzy, kept sitting in the driving seat going 'Brrm Brrm....campervan....back to beach  Very Happy )

Awning / Tent Light Imgp2615
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