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 Looking to buy a Brazilian Kamper or used Danbury T2?

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Cabin : Business
Posts : 633
Join date : 2010-10-27

Looking to buy a Brazilian Kamper or used Danbury T2? Empty
PostSubject: Looking to buy a Brazilian Kamper or used Danbury T2?   Looking to buy a Brazilian Kamper or used Danbury T2? EmptyWed Apr 25, 2018 3:35 pm

Hi All,

If anyone is looking to purchase a quality used Brazilian T2 we have 19 in stock with another 8 due into us over the next week.

We are able to offer PX and finance at great rates of 3.5%.

Our stock is found here:

Even if you were just started to look you are welcome to come down and pick our brains over a cup of tea.

Many Thanks

Ian Harris

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Looking to buy a Brazilian Kamper or used Danbury T2?
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