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 Replacing the two tube lights in the back with LEDs

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Cabin : Exec 074
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Join date : 2014-10-02

Replacing the two tube lights in the back with LEDs Empty
PostSubject: Replacing the two tube lights in the back with LEDs   Replacing the two tube lights in the back with LEDs EmptyTue Apr 24, 2018 10:42 am

I have fitted the first of two lights replacing the horrid flickering tubes we have put up with for years. Now (after a coffee) I will do the other one complete with step by step photographs and make a blog which I will link to here.

You simply need to buy two 12 volt LED strip lights of the correct length ready wired and connect a red wire and a black wire.

The old tube fittings and cover are retained together with the switch so it looks the same until you switch on.

I used a large and small star screwdriver, wire snips, wire strippers, a soldering iron, some heat shrinkable sleeve (to insulate the new connections), a stanley knife, a battery drill with small metal bit and a hair dryer.

Total time was under an hour for 1 light.

Always disconnect your van from the mains before doing any electrical work.

Wordpress blog on LED lights

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Replacing the two tube lights in the back with LEDs
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