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 Marketing Event

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Cabin : Club
Location : Crewe, Cheshire
Posts : 584
Join date : 2011-04-23

Marketing Event Empty
PostSubject: Marketing Event   Marketing Event EmptyMon Aug 22, 2011 8:16 pm

We had a bit of a strange request the other week to take the van into Crewe town centre for a marketing activity at work.

They have started a campaign to increase the sign up's on hairdressing apprenticeships as well as linking in with a new salon starting up. They were doing a beach style theme so they wanted to use the van as a prop while styling people's hair for free.

A local radio station was down there and it got quite busy by all accounts with people asking about the van as well as everything else that was going on.

Here's a few snaps from my phone:

Marketing Event 1-25

Marketing Event 3-16

Marketing Event 2-22

Hopefully I'll get some better photos from work, or when they are in the paper Smile

Has anyone else been roped into doing anything for work in their vans?



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Cabin : Club
Location : Crewe, Cheshire
Posts : 584
Join date : 2011-04-23

Marketing Event Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marketing Event   Marketing Event EmptyTue Aug 23, 2011 12:41 pm

Well I've seen a picture in the office now. The van's becoming more famous that ever Laughing

Marketing Event Edited



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