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 Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed

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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 7:34 pm

Dear All,

I am in the process of ordering a new Danbury SE. I have decided on most of my extra options but I can't decide on the read independent camping heater? It's an expensive extra but if I do need it, I'll get I?

Can anyone offer advice on this, please??? As a campervan novice I'm very keen for any advice that is out there.

Many thanks Smile)))
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 8:06 pm

It depends when you will be using your Kombi. If your going to camp in the winter and you've got electric hookup it's probably best to get an oil filled rad to keep warm. For driving I find the front heater is fine for me. Not so good for people in the back though.

Sure people with the heater already fitted might be able to help a little more

Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 8:45 pm

Agree with Kiteman, don't have a rear heater, if we are camping in winter then generally go to a site with hook up and use a small fan heater.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 9:00 pm

If you are going to camp outside of the summer months then some form of heating is needed. You dont need to go to the expense of an inbuilt heater. If you are using electric hookup you can take a low powered heater with you. We tried an oil filled rad as Kiteman suggests, but found it not up to the job, admittedly it was february and a hard frost over night. We have settled on a £20 B&Q convector heater that works brilliantly. Heats the van fast and on its lowest setting keeps it warm all night. During the day it fits under the overhang of the back seat, and at night it fits in the gap from the buddy seat to the fridge.

What you do need to consider is that it can get bitterly cold in the back of the van for any passengers during the cold months. Hats, scalves, coats and gloves cold with idealy a blanket over you as well. But that is all part of the character of having a Kombi. We use ours as an everyday drive, and so far we havent lost any fingers or toes, so its not essential.


Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Img_2014
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 9:46 pm

Agree with all the above. Have used a small 240v fan heater in the colder months but tbh boiling the kettle warms the cabin up enough for me!

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Melogo11
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:00 pm

Many many thanks!!!!
That's fab advice and so quick as well.
Great website!!!!

I may have to post other things as I really can't decide on some other options as well.

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Cabin : Exec 013
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:05 pm

Evo - given your full name can I assume you're from the Blackpool area?

Be nice to have another Danbury here in Lancs.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:13 pm

Lancs all the way!!
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Cabin : Exec 013
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:16 pm

Lancs all the way!

I wouldn't go that far. I'm a Tyke over there on missionary work.

When do you pick yours up? We've got a Northern Chapter meet at the end of Sept.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 10:17 pm

How long have you had your Danbury?
How did you find driving down there for servicing, etc?
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Cabin : Exec 013
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySat Aug 18, 2012 5:14 pm

We'll have had her a year next weekend.

Driving to Yate is a bit of a pain but last time we used the courtesy car to have a lovely day out in Bath.

If you combine the trip with a weekend away it's ok and forces you to go a bit further afield.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySat Aug 18, 2012 6:31 pm

Absinthe said
Quote :
Driving to Yate is a bit of a pain but last time we used the courtesy car to have a lovely day out in Bath.

If you combine the trip with a weekend away it's ok and forces you to go a bit further afield.

Agree. We always combine some camping with the trip down for a service.
If you don't want to drive the courtesey car then it's only a 15-20 minute walk to Yate Railway Station and the train into Bristol continues through to Bath.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySat Aug 18, 2012 6:48 pm

We have rear heater would not be without it great when driving along keeps everyone warm also good for wild camping go for it only here once
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 9:32 am

We find a rear heater is great - not only for rear passengers in winter - but also use it when just us in the front in winter - reason - the heater in the front is so violently noisy!! - really irritating - has anyone worked out how to quieten it - apart from the off switch? (yes I know the van is generally noisy and listening to the radio over 30mph is an impossibility - but why add to the cacophony! I have tried soundproofing pads and extra underlay etc)

One warning - make sure that the heater fuel connections are secure and a proper fuel line is used. Our Danbury fitted one gave me 2 scares - firstly the fitting from the top of the petrol tank separated (slid out of the push-fit cir-clip) and dumped petrol all over a very hot engine - buttock-clenching!! Second time the other end did the same on a campsite and siphoned the contents of a full petrol tank onto the ground
AA sorted it at the time and Danbury will be hopefully replacing the line with a proper one at our service next week
Agree that taking a plug-in heater when hooked up is great when parked
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 9:38 am

Hello doc, yes you can adapt the heater switch to be variable speed I'm in the process now ,a couple of others have already done this ,and they seem happy,this will allow you to leave it on "trickle" and have constant flow of heat instead of been fried !!!!!!!! Tata
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 1:43 pm

Thanks the great advice guys.

How do you add the switch for variable heat output? Is that easy?
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 8:05 pm

It seems to be ,out of stock at mo,awaiting reply
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptySun Aug 19, 2012 10:52 pm

I've fitted the variable switch to mine. Have a look HERE. About half way down the thread and you'll see how I fitted it.

Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 9:28 pm

Feel I should weigh in on the side of the fitted Webasto heater. We reckon it's one of the best things we've ever bought, because:

* The weather gets cold in summer too
* The heater uses next to no fuel, apparently, even if you leave it on all night
* It's fitted, so no need to have a separate heater rattling around or getting under your feet
* The heating's fully adjustable and proper toasty
* Never runs out of fuel (unless your van already has)
* No need to carry fuel.
* Year-round camping. The weekend we got it -- easter -- it snowed all over our holiday. Yet we did not freeze to death.
* No hook-up required.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 9:33 pm

totally agree , just to say, im sure you already know ,but heater is not supposed to be used with less than quarter of tank of fuel ,not sure why ,poss something to do with fuel line ?? im sure someone will put me right!!
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 9:48 pm

They told us the heater would refuse to start if we had under a quarter of a tank. Never tested it mind.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 20, 2012 10:35 pm

The feeder tube in the tank doesn't go all the way to the bottom so you still have fuel to get going.

We have one up front because were aircooled and we would freeze to death if we didn't have it for normal driving and is great for camping in Scotland around easter and September/October
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyTue Aug 21, 2012 1:43 am

Once again thanks for all the advice. Much appreciated.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 5:03 pm

EvoFylde wrote:
Dear All,

I am in the process of ordering a new Danbury SE. I have decided on most of my extra options but I can't decide on the read independent camping heater? It's an expensive extra but if I do need it, I'll get I?

Can anyone offer advice on this, please??? As a campervan novice I'm very keen for any advice that is out there.

Many thanks Smile)))

I find the cab heater essential in Shetland (60deg North) and even down south on the UK mainland. You will find the van cools very quickly and there isn't much (any) insulation . So unless you want to sit around in the evening in your sleeping bag you would be advised to get one fitted. Bear in mind however that prolonged use of the heater without being "plugged in" at a campsite will drain your leisure battery ( another extra) quite quickly. Buying a portable stand alone gas heater could be a cheaper option but then you don't have a lot of room in the van.
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Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed   Rear independent camping heater - needed it or not?? Advice needed EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 7:19 pm

I wasn't aware the rear heater had such an effect on the leisure battery. Really?
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