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 Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use

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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyTue May 16, 2017 8:33 pm

I've not seen any mention of this elsewhere.
Bonnie came from Danbury with a CampingGaz 907 (2.5kg) container. We have found them quite tricky to obtain (touring in Scotland) and somebody mentioned that there was an alternative that was cheaper and more readily available.
I'm assuming that CampingGaz 907 and 904 are the same fitting, just different volumes, so could use either, and that if we switch to Calor Gas or another we would need a different regulator/connector, and would it fit in the metal compartment?

Is there an alternative to the 907 and as we are off to Northern Spain, would it be readily available there too?

We use the oven and the grill quite a lot so don't want to run out while we are away. Not sure if there are risks/regulations about carrying full spare container?

Also, we get a slight smell of gas in the metal compartment where the container lives - is this normal or do I need to tighten something - it was like this when we bought Bonnie last year and we are now on our 2nd container. I read something about the compartment needing to be ventilated, I assume that as ours is from Danbury, albeit secondhand, this will be fine.

So many questions - apologies - but hopefully common.

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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyTue May 16, 2017 8:53 pm

I dont think there is another gas cylinder that would fit inside the cupboard other than camping gaz. The small calor gas cylinder certainly doesn't. We also get a gas like smell coming from the cupboard but it is not gas. We had it pressure tested at Danbury and I even bought a gas detector as my wife was convinced there was a leek. However after removing the cylinder over the winter the same odour was still there. Putting a car air freshener in the cupboard seemed to help.
We also had problems getting refills so have a spare at home and if going anywhere where I dont think there is a supply I always take the new cylinder. Always weigh the cylinder when new and then you will have an idea how much is left. I find one 907 lasts for at least a season.
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyTue May 16, 2017 10:03 pm

Thanks Bobbo2 - really helpful. I didn't think to weigh it - don't always have scales with me! Will do now though and take a luggage weigher with us. Interesting about the smell.
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Cabin : Flight 011
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyTue May 16, 2017 11:59 pm

CampingGaz is French and is widely available in Europe.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyWed May 17, 2017 8:16 am

This link might be of interest to you

These cylinders are apparently the same size as camping gaz but can be refilled at filling stations selling LPG gas. Quite expensive but more readily available than gaz.
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyWed May 17, 2017 11:48 am

We use the refillable cylinders in our hymer as they are bigger bottles best thing we ever bought, ok dear to buy but cheaper to refill and not always dear I managed to pick up two second hand and one is full the other has some in and all for 100 Euro so worth keeping eye out, back to the other bottles I found it hard to find anyone that sell them so when I did see them for sale brought a second one so I always have spare.
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Cabin : Flight 011
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use EmptyWed May 17, 2017 11:53 am

Most U.K. Campsites that stock calor also stock CampingGaz. They are in the supermarkets in France.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
Proud winners of Spikes Trophy, 2016.
Freedom, in style...
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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use   Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use Empty

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Best Gas? - Camping Gaz 907/904 or Calor Gas or .... for UK and Euro use
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