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 Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries

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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyTue Sep 12, 2017 12:05 pm

Travelled down to Yate on Sunday seeing 41 Bays/Splits on the M6/M5 - mostly those leaving the Vbub show at Malvern.
Having already filled the original Service stamp book Sally at Danbury created a continuation version.
Minor service and MOT test which was a fail on a few issues - all resolved and MOT pass on the same day. Thanks Danbury.

MOT test issues
Headlamps too low - not mentioned in any previous MOT
Axle has inadequate clearance with bump stop rear both sides - any ideas of cause and remedy please?
Anti-roll bar attachment bracket/mounting insecure - this was mentioned and corrected in a previous MOT

MOT advisory
Rear seat frame pivots loose
Does anyone have information on the tightness of the bolts on the rock 'n roll bed to allow easy action without issues for the MOT?

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Cabin : Exec 018
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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyTue Sep 12, 2017 1:09 pm

osg wrote:

Axle has inadequate clearance with bump stop rear both sides - any ideas of cause and remedy please?
MOT advisory
Rear seat frame pivots loose
Does anyone have information on the tightness of the bolts on the rock 'n roll bed to allow easy action without issues for the MOT? osg

Only thing I can think of for the clearance osg, may be rear shocks are a bit tired if they haven't been replaced recently, suspension set too low/torsion bars, or heavy load in back. (Does the suspension actually hit the bump stops when you go over a bump or pot-hole?)

As for the rock and roll bed, here's a vid about fitting one, no sign of a torque wrench, but looks like there are plastic washers between the moving parts, maybe worth looking to see if they are worn, alternatively a bit of wd40 and tighten them up by trial and error until you get free movement. (Don't know how bad they were, seems a bit picky, you could always tighten them up rock solid just before you go in for next MOT Smile)
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dougie watchorn

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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyTue Sep 12, 2017 10:19 pm

Part of my mot failure this week was also both headlamps aim too low which has never occured before.Is there a new low beam setting standered?
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Cabin : Exec 018
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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyTue Sep 12, 2017 10:47 pm

Looks like the regs have been tightened recently as you suspect.

Interesting that one of the comments mentions tyre pressures can affect the reading, I wonder if the testers check the pressures before checking the alignment.....I'm not aware that tyre pressures are part of the main test, probably not.
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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyWed Sep 13, 2017 8:07 am

I'm glad that correct adjustment of headlamps is being scrutinised. As a shiftworker I cannot tell you how off-putting it is being blinded by those either coming towards you, or following you with misaligned beams, on those early winter mornings.

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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Melogo11
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Cabin : Exec 015
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Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries   Additional Service Book from Danbury and MOT test queries EmptyWed Sep 13, 2017 1:17 pm

Thanks Dizzy for the up-to-date advice as usual.
My headlights should be better after the adjustment made.
The washers on the bolts of my Rock 'n roll bed are steel rather than the plastic that you mention.
Will ask Danbury to check and to balance the tightness when next down there.
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