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 Awnings and Canopies get their own category

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Awnings and Canopies get their own category Empty
PostSubject: Awnings and Canopies get their own category   Awnings and Canopies get their own category EmptySun May 20, 2012 7:33 pm

These 2 accessories get more new posts than any other, so I've created a sub-section of Bay Related Products dedicated to them.

There's quite a bit of repetition here, but merging threads might lose some of the good info available. Can I remind folks that a search can often bring up the answers you need, before embarking on a new thread? If it hasn't already been covered, then if you're after awning or sun canopy info, here's the place to pitch your post. Wink

Awnings/Sun Canopies

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Awnings and Canopies get their own category Melogo11
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Awnings and Canopies get their own category
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