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 Weekend in the Cotswolds

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Cabin : Exec 013
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptySun Sep 23, 2012 7:20 pm

We took Absinthe to Danbury for a service on Friday and then went on to the Cotswolds - here's the Blog: C13MPR

There are some extra pics here and here's a few to whet your appetite:

Weekend in the Cotswolds Img_0910

Weekend in the Cotswolds Img_1010

Weekend in the Cotswolds Img_0911

Weekend in the Cotswolds Img_0912

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

Star Kombi Winner 2015
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Cabin : Exec 027
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptySun Sep 23, 2012 10:05 pm

Really enjoyed reading your blog. Great pics to. Have not been to the Cotswolds for a long time but on the calendar for next year. Not sure about those fords though!
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Cabin : Flight 011
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptySun Sep 23, 2012 10:24 pm

Our first ever trip out in Tallulah was to the Cotswolds, Cheltenham first to pick up an awning then our first night was at Folly Farm Cotswold Campsite nr Bourton-on-the-water.

Fab scenery, not a bad site either.

Folly Farm Cotswold Campsite

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
Proud winners of Spikes Trophy, 2016.
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Cabin : Flight 004
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 8:40 am

FAB blog & pics Absinthe Cool

Proud winners of Spike's Trophy 2017

bounce Scooby - Born To Run  bounce
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Cabin : Exec 015
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 2:12 pm

Enjoyed your Blog - you do keep busy.
Please to see that you were 'intrepid enough' to adventure down the Frome Valley Walkway because the signposting can be a bit vague/ non-existant
On another outing Boris might like to take the Walkway in the opposite direction to Chipping Sodbury.
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Cabin : Exec 013
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 2:16 pm

osg - we only got lost once when the path went on the road and not by the valley - we went left down a track but an equestrian lady made it quite clear we were wrong!

PS - can you beat Warrington again?

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

Star Kombi Winner 2015
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Cabin : Exec 018
Location : Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts and Bristol
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 2:58 pm

Great blog and pics Absinthe, while you were sunning yourself, we were down in the Quantocks at Dunster.
Weekend in the Cotswolds Clutch18
Taken from outside The Luttrell Arms an old hunting inn, with the castle on top of the hill.
Weekend in the Cotswolds Clutch19

Your blog has inspired me to do one about my adopted town of Bradford-on-Avon sometime in the near future.

If you like old buildings and history, I hope you will like it.
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Cabin : Exec 013
Location : Leyland, Lancs
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Weekend in the Cotswolds Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weekend in the Cotswolds   Weekend in the Cotswolds EmptyMon Sep 24, 2012 3:01 pm

Looks fantastic DL - not an area I know at all - I'll add it to the to do list.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

Star Kombi Winner 2015
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