Cabin : Flight 001 Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K. Posts : 14341 Join date : 2009-09-27
Subject: Let your BraziBay earn its keep! Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:38 am
I've recently been contacted by Joe at Fat Lama. After some dialogue I have agreed to post the following. Fat Lama have been around for a while, but I'd always recommend any individual considering using their service, to perform their own research before making a commitment. As we know, our BraziBays are for many a luxury item and this may well be a way for your Kombi to earn its keep.
If anyone does choose to rent out their camper via this service, please do let us know how it goes.
From Joe @Fat Lama:
Hello to all the VW campervan owners in the brazillianvbay community. My name is Joe and I work for Fat Lama, a peer to peer rental site where you can rent anything to anyone, fully insured. We’re currently experiencing high demand for VW campervans, and do not have the supply to cope. I’m on the hunt for owners of any model of VW campervan!
We need people to list on the platform. There is a huge opportunity for VW owners to earn very good money here, without having to take out their own insurance when renting out their van. To clarify on the insurance, whatever the item, whether it be a camera, drone or campervan, we fully insure it. That is, if any damage is inflicted, if the item breaks, or if it is lost, we fully cover this. In short, when an item is listed on Fat Lama, it's automatically insured by us. Usually this is for a value of up to £25,000 per item, but for VW campervans, we are making an exception, and fully insuring these for up to their true value.
To cover the insurance, we charge 15% of each rental. Alternatively, if the owner has their own insurance, we will only take 5%, and 0% for the first month. Please note, it is completely free to list your campervan. Only when you actually rent it out will you be charged the commission. There is a large sum of money dedicated to advertising also, so think of it as an opportunity to advertise your van for free!
Please do check out our website:, and get in touch either at, or 07808554889 if you think you want to be a part of this, or have any further questions.
One last thing, if you do choose to list your camper, please use the referral link that Tim Votier has kindly organised for you all. You will receive £25 credit on the site if you use this link!
Fata Lama Referral Link
________________________________________________________________________________ Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer @brazilianvwbay
Last edited by TimV on Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Subject: Re: Let your BraziBay earn its keep! Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:15 pm
Thank you for alerting us to this opportunity, but Scooby will not be for hire, he's family.
________________________________________________________________________________ Proud winners of Spike's Trophy 2017
Scooby - Born To Run
TimV Admin
Cabin : Flight 001 Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K. Posts : 14341 Join date : 2009-09-27
Subject: Re: Let your BraziBay earn its keep! Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:49 pm
Anyone decided to use this service? What are your thoughts?
Do you shudder at the thought of a stranger driving your camper? What are your concerns? Is this a good way of getting a return from your investment in your Komb?
________________________________________________________________________________ Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer @brazilianvwbay
TimV Admin
Cabin : Flight 001 Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K. Posts : 14341 Join date : 2009-09-27
Subject: Re: Let your BraziBay earn its keep! Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:40 am
________________________________________________________________________________ Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer @brazilianvwbay
Subject: Re: Let your BraziBay earn its keep! Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:59 pm
I wouldn't do it like most of us my camper is a pretty large investment and I doubt anyone hiring it treat it as carefully as I would. It has crossed my mind to do weddings, proms etc if anyone asked but then I would be driving it.