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 Coolant / Antifreeze

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Coolant / Antifreeze Empty
PostSubject: Coolant / Antifreeze   Coolant / Antifreeze EmptyThu Jul 08, 2021 5:33 am

I need some advice re coolant for a water-cooled 16 plate Danbury. I am confused re which coolant to use. I know its the "pink" one but there seem to be quite a range of types. Halfords are none the wiser as the VRN / number plate doesn't come up on their data base and they can't / won't specify which one to use
Any suggestions ?
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Coolant / Antifreeze Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coolant / Antifreeze   Coolant / Antifreeze EmptyThu Jul 08, 2021 8:13 am

Hi the correct designation is on the side of the expansion tank I.e G12
You can use G12+ or G12++ The extra issue is that different manufacturers use different coding
I found this table very useful sorry but the lines didn’t come over.

VW BASF Colour Description
G11 G48 green/     blue-   green Standard for coolant with inorganic acids.
G12 red/pink Volkswagens first coolant with OAT formula and free of silicate. Do not mix it with G11 coolants! Agressive chemical reactions attack the cooling system and the lubricant would   clump together.
G12+ G30 red/violet As reaction of the mixture problems between G11 and G12, the G12+ was designed. It can   be  mixed with G11 and G11 coolants. It is free of silicate.
G12++ G40 red/violet The successor of the G12+ coolant was used in every VW and Audi car. It shows an   improved  corrosion protection, higher boiling point (135 degrees) and better heat dissipation.

In short I use G40 which Halfords sell which is equivalent to G12++ do not use G11

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Cabin : Exec 015
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Coolant / Antifreeze Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coolant / Antifreeze   Coolant / Antifreeze EmptyThu Jul 08, 2021 1:36 pm

Agree G40 is the correct replacement for G12++
Although the contents of the Halfords bottle are the correct PINk colour the actual label is a confusing blue

Last edited by osg on Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cabin : Club
Location : Wiltshire
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Coolant / Antifreeze Empty
PostSubject: Re: Coolant / Antifreeze   Coolant / Antifreeze EmptyThu Jul 08, 2021 7:21 pm

Another coolant to add to the mix which is recommended by VWAudi is the G13 (violet) which is more environmentally friendly and better anti-corrosion properties than G12++ but can also be mixed with G12

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