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 M6 Toll Discount for CC members

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PostSubject: M6 Toll Discount for CC members   M6 Toll Discount for CC members EmptyMon May 07, 2012 8:59 am

I was reading the May issue of the Caravan Club Magazine this morning, as one does on a wet bank holiday Monday and one has time to kill before breakfast, and came across an interesting article that may benefit some.

It seems that there is another bonus for being a CC member. Normally our vans would be expected to the pay Class 4 fee. However, CC members can take advantage of an exclusive offer and pay the discounted price that is equal to the Class 2 car fee. Only available by paying sterling cash or credit/debit card. To claim the discount you simply need to show your CC membership card to the M6 Toll staff before making your payment. Best use a manual attended lane!

Sounds like a good saving.
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PostSubject: Re: M6 Toll Discount for CC members   M6 Toll Discount for CC members EmptyMon May 07, 2012 10:26 am

The discount from a few trips north/south would easily cover membership cost, sounds like a good deal. I wonder if the Caravan and Camping Club have a similar deal?

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PostSubject: Re: M6 Toll Discount for CC members   M6 Toll Discount for CC members EmptyMon May 07, 2012 5:04 pm

Tallulah wrote:
The discount from a few trips north/south would easily cover membership cost, sounds like a good deal. I wonder if the Caravan and Camping Club have a similar deal?

Doesn't look like it - can't see anything on their website.

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M6 Toll Discount for CC members Melogo11
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PostSubject: Re: M6 Toll Discount for CC members   M6 Toll Discount for CC members EmptySun May 13, 2012 7:20 pm

Thats worth remembering, i wasnt aware of it, thanx


M6 Toll Discount for CC members Img_2014
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