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 Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!

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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptySun May 13, 2012 8:56 pm

Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! P1010410
Right then, just put up my newly purchased awning from JK in the garden to test run it and thought that you may like to take a look at one in the flesh. I havnt pinned it out fully or pinned out the guy ropes but you can get the idea.

I went for the retro look as Albert is kind of retro himself so is in keeping and in green as well so a good match. First impressions is its massive!!! Shocked in its bags and up.. wasnt quite bargaining on such a deep and wide tent. It also weighs a fair amount. In the van it will take up a load of space so is only really suitable for a proper week away. the agro of taking it, putting it up and down for a weekend in windy Llangenith sounds a bit of a pain..

I am not too sure about the quality of it as well. it all goes up ok but if it did get battered in a storm I wouldnt like to see how it stands up to it. One of those Awning straps would be a good investment I think if I am going to go off and leave it unsupervised!

When they say retro.. they mean it. I think that it is a proper 70's job with no real modern additions. The roof is vinyl and the sides are cotton. It has a cotton condense trap which straps across the roof. I assume this is so that you dont get rained on inside!

Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! P1010411

It does look the part thou and the big opening up front will be great in the summer. The tent in all will be great for 4 people to get away and be comfortably accomodated during the day and when sleeping. 6 could bunk down if needed..

Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! P1010412

The inner tent is really good and it comes with a separate ground sheet for sites that dont allow them. The skirt to attach to the van is really big as well, I havnt tried this yet but it looks like its going to be no bother.

Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! P1010413

All in all I am pleased with it. It should get some good service this year as we are exclusively holidaying in the Uk with the Van in all our glorious weather!!
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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 8:28 am

that looks good. it looks good to your van. jk is a good shop. i often buy something there. but i must put away my mastercard because i buy to much there :-) its a very good shop. i hope you have fun with the "Zelt" (dont know the word).
best from me to you

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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 9:52 am

FAB looking retro awning Cool

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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:07 am

Paul - in the last photo, what the devil is that pink thing at the end of the border near the fence? affraid

Great looking awning by the way.

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:36 am

Looks just like our original '70s Royal Traveller awning, and it looks like it packs down to about the size too.

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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 10:40 am

HA HA! Walmsleys.... thats the wifes pink handled trowel... obviously.....
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Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics!   Just Kamper Retro Awning review and Pics! EmptyMon May 14, 2012 11:23 am

Phew! Thank goodness for that...

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Blog: C13MPR

Finalist in the Caravan Club Caravanner of the Year Competition 2016

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