Cabin : Flight 001 Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K. Posts : 14341 Join date : 2009-09-27
Subject: Dye your Danbury Drapes!! Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:01 am
I was recently given a set of the 'later' material Danbury curtains - the 5 piece set that go around the rear 2/3rds of the cabin.
Max's original golden velvet drapes have done a first class job of keeping the light out and to a degree the heat in over the years, but their shade just didn't go with his colour scheme. I'd spoken with a haberdashers before about using a dye and proved that the velvet material won't change its colour as it's synthetic. However, the later cotton style material will!!
So just ahead of this year's Kombi Kaper, Max is now sporting a newly coloured matching set of drapes!! The curtains go in the washing machine along with the Dylon powder, which cost me £8.40.
I'm chuffed!!
Loads of colours available, choose your shade people!!
Dylon Machine Wash Dye
________________________________________________________________________________ Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer @brazilianvwbay