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 Brazilan Dash Compatibility

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Cabin : Economy
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Join date : 2016-05-15

Brazilan Dash Compatibility Empty
PostSubject: Brazilan Dash Compatibility   Brazilan Dash Compatibility EmptySun May 15, 2016 12:44 pm

Hi Everyone!

I'm an Early Bay owner so please go gentle with me and I hope you did mind me posting here!

I'm replacing the dash in my '71 bus and I am considering importing a dash from Brazil. See the photos below, it's from a 1991 model. Does anyone know if this dash is compatible with my bus? I notice that the newer Brazilian Kombi's have a new instrumental panel but as you can see from the photos this one has the classic style. More especially I am thinking about the position of the holes to secure the dash to the bus - are they in the same position?

Brazilan Dash Compatibility L4mZmr7
Brazilan Dash Compatibility 5vPVRKg
Brazilan Dash Compatibility P6Y22NC
Brazilan Dash Compatibility VfAV5uw
Brazilan Dash Compatibility JY2gPt6

Any other things I need to consider or look out for, feedback would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

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Brazilan Dash Compatibility Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazilan Dash Compatibility   Brazilan Dash Compatibility EmptySun May 15, 2016 6:20 pm

I couldn't give you a 100% definitely on this but I would think they are, I'd be quite surpised if they're not

Brazilan Dash Compatibility Img_4810

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Brazilan Dash Compatibility Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brazilan Dash Compatibility   Brazilan Dash Compatibility EmptySun May 15, 2016 7:08 pm

Looks the same to me apart from the dials showing the speedo
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PostSubject: Re: Brazilan Dash Compatibility   Brazilan Dash Compatibility Empty

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