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14 years of BraziBay fun!!
We're all about the volkswagenT2kombi
It's smiles more fun in a BraziBay!


 We got this .......!!!

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
Posts : 14341
Join date : 2009-09-27

We got this .......!!! Empty
PostSubject: We got this .......!!!   We got this .......!!! EmptyTue Mar 24, 2020 9:01 am

First off I want to wish you good health.  

These are extraordinary times and for the majority of us I think we have never experienced such an event in our lifetimes and with the hope that our children will never have to tackle anything like this over their lifespan again.

Secondly, an apology.  Many of you will know that since January I have been a full time member of the team at VW Kampers in Henfield.  I'm delighted to say that interest in the BraziBay is strong and consequently my days fly by filled with talking about Kombis with people, handing over the keys to new owners, advising on maintenance and helping the great team I work with roll out camper vans that really stand out from the crowd wherever they are.  So I've been pretty busy and consequently not had a lot of time to keep in touch with you fine folks.  Sorry!

We're a tough Brazibunch when we need to be. Remember the early days of our club when occasionally a misguided individual would try to upset a member by deriding their 'not real' Volkswagen?!  Yep, the truth has prevailed and it's evident on our roads as BraziBays are a regular feature on UK roads and afar .... even on The White Isle!! Cool

So I'm confident that as a group we'll see the next few weeks as an opportunity rather than a hinderance.  Now is the time to get your Kombi ready to go, because Summer really is just around the corner.  Not only that but this is the ideal opportunity to shout about how much we love heading out in our campers and what they add to our lives.  Get on the web - make lists of those jobs you want done on your BraziBay, look at the places you've yet to adventure to, get those pitches booked, order the parts you want, call up your service providers and book those jobs in, so that the moment this 'pause' button switches to 'play' we can all get back to what we love doing best!  Use all the socials to post photos of as many wonderful moments you've had in your BraziBay - a VW Camper always puts a smile on people's faces - so let's keep those miles of smiles on a virtual road until we're back on the physical highway!

I'll see you out on the road right?! Basketball

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

We got this .......!!! Melogo11
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