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 Rear spare wheel carrier issues

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Rear spare wheel carrier issues Empty
PostSubject: Rear spare wheel carrier issues   Rear spare wheel carrier issues EmptyTue May 23, 2023 11:41 am

Hi All
I’m concerned that my spare wheel was being pinched by the carrier
So I removed the stainless cover and tried to remount it without it pinching with no success
Rear spare wheel carrier issues Img_0614

If the nuts were not tight the wheel was loose and I was concerned the nuts could come off and even lose the wheel driving down the road, if tightened the wheel was pinched
So I decided to make a long spacer from some old hard rubber tubing cut to approx 65mm for each bolt (3)
Rear spare wheel carrier issues Img_0712

Spacers on wheel firmly held on carrier and nuts tight. Very happy!

Rear spare wheel carrier issues Img_0713

Next job is making a bracket to stop the carrier and wheel over opening and hitting the van body(rear offside wing) I’ve seen some large dents on other vans

Has anyone come up with a simple design that they have done?
  I’ve got a plan to make (bend) an ‘L’ shaped wide (50mm) bracket that would sit on the top hinge bolt. I think only one is required(bottom hinge without). As the carrier arm is opened it would stop on the carrier bracket arm stopping it about 110 degrees from usual position. Any thoughts?

Rear spare wheel carrier issues Img_0615

Cheers Alfy

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Rear spare wheel carrier issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rear spare wheel carrier issues   Rear spare wheel carrier issues EmptyThu May 25, 2023 12:19 pm

Before fabricating anything, I'd be looking at something simple, perhaps a length of chain that stops the bracket swinging open too far?
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