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 Awnings and Brazilian Bays

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Awnings and Brazilian Bays Empty
PostSubject: Awnings and Brazilian Bays   Awnings and Brazilian Bays EmptyTue Mar 02, 2010 3:44 pm

There was a lengthy discussion elsewhere a while ago about what awning people hook up to their Brazilian Bay. After much deliberation I've made a purchase today - I've gone for a 2010 Khyam Motordome Classic. Should be just what I need.

Got it from here.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Awnings and Brazilian Bays Melogo11
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Awnings and Brazilian Bays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awnings and Brazilian Bays   Awnings and Brazilian Bays EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 8:10 pm

I've got the Motordome Tourer slightly smaller but just the ticket.

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Cabin : Exec 002
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Awnings and Brazilian Bays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awnings and Brazilian Bays   Awnings and Brazilian Bays EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 8:24 pm

Used to have a Mobil Camper Riviera but it didn't last to long, get what you pay for I suppose.
After seeing Tims Khyam Motordome Classic, got myself one of those, super easy to put up.

Awnings and Brazilian Bays Img_4810

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Cabin : Exec 014
Location : Billericay, Essex
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Awnings and Brazilian Bays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awnings and Brazilian Bays   Awnings and Brazilian Bays EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 9:02 pm

mines the motordome sleeper, much the same , easy to erect but with a bit extra bedroom space to sleep up to 4, very pleased with it.........but also recently purchased a 3 man pop up quencha tent to use for short stays (1 or 2 nights) to keep stuff in. also got a sun shade which is great (cant use with awning obviously),


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Awnings and Brazilian Bays Empty
PostSubject: Re: Awnings and Brazilian Bays   Awnings and Brazilian Bays EmptyThu Sep 16, 2010 9:25 pm

We recently bought an Outwell Country awning, very quick to erect, good size but most importanly a very good tight fit with adjusting strap to keep it tight to the van, we use the pole clamped to the gutter, we also invested in the carpet and that was a bonus in the cold evenings.
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