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 240v leisure battery

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240v leisure battery Empty
PostSubject: 240v leisure battery   240v leisure battery EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 10:33 am

We've been testing our new leisure battery again this weekend, this time in 240v mode and its amazing!

It's only a prototype at the moment, available as a special order after signing an NDA and shipped directly from N.Korea.

Physically it's about the same size as a regular leisure battery and fits snugly under the seat, but has extra cabling so you can connect it directly to your 240v hookup and a big switch so it can operate in either 12v or 240v and run anything you need.

Last night we had our radiator and electric blanket plugged in, charged both our phones and iPad, fridge and internal lights on, Serena even used her hair straiteners and we still have 2 orange lights on the battery meter!

I think there are some import licensing issues to overcome before it is readily available in the UK - something to do with the Plutonium content - and it won't be cheap either, but IMO well worth it for convenience and you'll save a packet not needing to pay for EHU at any site ever again!

If anyone wants more info just PM me, but keep it hush, this will be BIG news when word gets out and the price will go through the roof!

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
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240v leisure battery Empty
PostSubject: Re: 240v leisure battery   240v leisure battery EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 10:35 am

I actually managed to get one of these last year on exactly the same day. Worked fine but on 2nd April I couldn't get anything out of it!

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Cabin : Flight 011
Location : South Somerset, UK
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240v leisure battery Empty
PostSubject: Re: 240v leisure battery   240v leisure battery EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 10:38 am

Well they are prototypes and as yours was an even earlier version maybe it didn't have the capacity.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
Proud winners of Spikes Trophy, 2016.
Freedom, in style...
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240v leisure battery Empty
PostSubject: Re: 240v leisure battery   240v leisure battery Empty

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