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 Albert - Panel Van project

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Cabin : Economy
Location : Reading, Berks
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Join date : 2010-05-20

Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:01 am

Hi, I'm Paul and this is Albert, my recently purchased 07 aircooled Panel van. He is in what I would consider to be good nick, but dont tell the wife that... she just doesn't understand how a 3 year old vehicle can be getting rusty already !

I am planning the following over the next couple of months:

Lose the graphics ! - already done, 2 days solid of picking, tcutting and waxing !
lower half respray and top half touch up, usual rust spots just starting on gutters etc.
4 conversion windows fitted - had trouble sourcing but sorted now.
full interior with full width rock and roll bed
Chrome or stainless bumpers and dress up parts to complete the look!
pheww.... will post pics as I go, anyone needing any of my limited pearls of wisdom, just give me a shout, its all new at the moment but I am learning fast !

Cheers Paul
Albert - Panel Van project AttachmentAlbert.jpg
This is Albert... 07 1600 aircooled Panel Van complete blank canvas to play with!
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Albert - Panel Van project AttachmentIMG_0138.JPG
Alberts tummy.. not much in there yet for a comfortable weekend away
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Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:11 am

Great to have you with us Paul, Albert and family!

Think you're our first BraziBay Panel Van Cool

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Albert - Panel Van project Melogo11
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Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 10:58 am

good luck with the conversion Paul. Keep us updated with photo's, it will be good watching albert evolve


Albert - Panel Van project Img_2014
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Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 11:21 am

Welcome to the forum.

Looks like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you. Looking fprward to seeing the progress.

Albert - Panel Van project Img_4810

Ginger man without a ginger van  sunny
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Cabin : Economy
Location : Reading, Berks
Posts : 178
Join date : 2010-05-20

Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 12:04 pm

Thanks Chaps.. pretty excited about it all, been a VW fan since a youth when I had a bright yellow 1300 beetle, full cal look, dechromed and lowered to the floor!! missed her so bad and always kept the soft spot.. Brazilians are great, there are still haters out there but if you can why not start with a reliable motor thats not rotten like a sieve!!!!
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Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyWed Jun 09, 2010 3:49 pm

Nice bay are you going to hit it with the lowering stick
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Cabin : Economy
Location : Reading, Berks
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Albert - Panel Van project Empty
PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project EmptyTue Jul 20, 2010 9:33 pm

sorry for the delay in replying to your post Daz!! The answer is most definately yes, but its a job for the future, also want to do it right so will look at all the option, I had a 72 cal look beetle which was slammed in my youth but the back wouldn't take the abuse now so will go about midway I think !! I have my eye on a nice pair or polished Fuchs to finish it off but everyone I seem to speak to likes the original steels with the chrome caps... will have to see. Any advice on lowering would be gratefully recieved.
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PostSubject: Re: Albert - Panel Van project   Albert - Panel Van project Empty

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