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 Tripod base for Table

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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

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Tripod base for Table Empty
PostSubject: Tripod base for Table   Tripod base for Table EmptyThu Sep 03, 2015 9:17 pm

We are after a the collapsible tripod base for the table so it can be moved around the van or used outside. The silver Danbury table pole is 55mm in diameter, the only base we have found so far 70mm. Fiamma do a complete pole replacement kit which may be an option. Where did you get your?

We are also looking out for a VW logo'd Moroccan matt but we're hoping to pick one up from a Dubs in the forest trader.

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Tripod base for Table Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tripod base for Table   Tripod base for Table EmptyThu Sep 03, 2015 10:19 pm

Just Kampers sell the tripod and have them in stock, the shorter table leg is harder to find however. We bought the 'kit' and cut one to length, others have bought ready made short legs at shows.

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Tripod base for Table Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tripod base for Table   Tripod base for Table EmptyFri Sep 04, 2015 6:55 pm

Hi Neal, this is what we have, a 70cm pole for use in the van with the floor spigot, and a 60cm pole for use with the tripod base outside.

Tripod base for Table Imgp2310

We got them several years ago, but I don't believe they are available anymore.

Fiamma now do a universal pole without the tapered ends, that you can cut to length, and then use the plastic inserts in place of the taper. (If you cut the old poles, you lost the taper, which is why they now sell these.)

As you can see, you can buy the separate bits.
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Cabin : Economy
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Tripod base for Table Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tripod base for Table   Tripod base for Table EmptyFri Sep 04, 2015 11:56 pm

we use this....
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Tripod base for Table Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tripod base for Table   Tripod base for Table Empty

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