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 Fiamma tripod table leg

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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 11:51 am

Does this fit with the danbury leg?

I see pictures from the cotswold meet up where people are using them, but it says it takes a 55mm leg and the danbury one at its widest point is 57mm (from memory) and only 55mm on the taper.
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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 12:54 pm

Hi daveb, it should do, I have the old style leg and tripod, where the tube is in one piece with the tube being tapered at both ends to fit the tripod base, and the table socket.

Unfortunately, if you needed a shorter leg, you couldn't cut the tube to length as you lost the taper, so it looks like Fiamma used a parallel tube with plastic inserts on the ends in place of the tapers so that the tube could be cut down shorter. (until that time, you had to buy a separate shorter leg, if that makes sense)
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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 1:15 pm

Scooby has that tripod base - see pic below from the weekend - sorry cannot check make at present but it doo look the same.
(We also have the shorter tube for a lower table height).
Fiamma tripod table leg Img_7142

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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 1:25 pm

Scooby wrote:
Scooby has that tripod base - see pic below from the weekend - sorry cannot check make at present but it doo look the same.
(We also have the shorter tube for a lower table height).
Fiamma tripod table leg Img_7142

So Scooby's leg is not the tapered one?  I am hoping to find a stand for the danbury tapered table leg.
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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 1:44 pm

Sorry if we have confused things, to clarify, both ends of each of our tube legs are tapered.

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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 2:23 pm

It doesn't fit with our Danbury. 2013 plate converted in 2017. Our pole is a twist in style pole not tapered.

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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyThu May 10, 2018 5:43 pm

A number of us that have the black Fiamma tripod bought new 'shorter' legs at Camperjam a few years back.

We bought them from

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Fiamma tripod table leg Melogo11
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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyFri May 11, 2018 8:39 am

Scooby was one of those!

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Fiamma tripod table leg Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg EmptyFri May 11, 2018 10:31 am

We bought a tripod and a spare leg at Camperjam last year. There were a range of leg lengths on offer. The standard length supplied with the van is too long for using as a dining table outside the van.
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PostSubject: Re: Fiamma tripod table leg   Fiamma tripod table leg Empty

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