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 Solar Panels

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Surfwagen Stan
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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

Cabin : Exec 047
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Posts : 254
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 6:56 pm

Solar Panels Panels11
Surfwagen Stan successfully tested his solar panels at the most excellent Kombi Sleep Over.  Over the weekend he managed to keep the leisure and starter battery charged to enable the fridge and lights to work effortlessly and the children to watch around 4 hours of DVDs on the flat screen. (little monkeys!).  That is despite it being overcast Sunday morning and Monday.

After a lot of research, sketches and sleepless nights about drilling holes in the roof I eventually came up with a solution that delivers sufficient power whilst hopefully not affecting the aesthetic charm of the Kombi too much.

Eventually, I settled on using Photonic Universe ( - Graham was very helpful - other suppliers are available).  Because the panels are fixed and can't be angled I went for 200 watts worth of panels.  In theory sufficient to power; the fridge, lights, TV and (laptop / phone chargers).

In addition I went for a controller that has the capability to split the charge between two batteries and a control panel to replace the Danbury 4 LED panel.  This provides some additional information on the output from the panels and the condition of the batteries.  I also added a converter to enable us to use a 240v socket to charge a laptop / small device and the all important USB charging point for phones.

The set up may not be to everyone's taste and I'm sure there's room for improvement but Stan is free to visit almost any long as it has a shower!!!

I've added a photo, the wiring diagram is pdf so won't send but feel free to PM for it or with any specific questions.

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Cabin : Exec 026
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:04 pm

These look good did you do the wiring and fit out yourself or did the panel supplier help you?
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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

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Location : Richmond
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:24 pm

Feliz wrote:
These look good did you do the wiring and fit out yourself or did the panel supplier help you?

Mrs Surfwagen Stan, rightly made me enlist the help of my dad who's much more patient and methodical than me to supervise.

The panels are glued using flexible glue. The holes carefully planned. The rest of it isn't much more difficult than wiring a plug. The challenge as always with the Brazibays is, how can I get this cable through and behind things!

The supplier provides a fitting service starting at £250.
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:25 pm

Look fab , top job.

Steve,  Jo  TigerLily and Carra the Child lovin' Golden Cocker  sunny
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Cabin : Exec 027
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:37 pm

Really neat job and it's worth pointing out that you couldn't tell they were there (unless you were standing on the top of a Winnebago!)
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Cabin : Exec 003
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:43 pm

Looks great, I'm pleased with the performance of my briefcase style 40w unit, but like the idea of the fixed ones. I will PM you for the wiring diagram.
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Cabin : Exec 049
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:54 pm

That looks a great set-up; I was only talking over the weekend about how something like this would be a great addition.

I'll PM you about the wiring diagram and cost etc.

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Cabin : Flight 011
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyTue May 31, 2016 7:55 pm

Looks great, I've been considering something similar for a while so I'm very interested in the results.

Great work, please could you send me a copy of the wiring diagram.

Top job.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 7:05 am

That a top job Smile
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Cabin : Flight 001
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 8:49 am

This from someone who doesn't know how to operate the on-board DVD player! lol!

Well done mate - you should be able to add the pdf file as an attachment. Basketball

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Solar Panels Melogo11
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 8:56 am

See - the two words I like best - fitting service.
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptySat Apr 29, 2017 11:28 am

Hey Stan, I was planning my own solution so I've decided to come and check here for ideas until bumped into your post and found a very similar solution to what I was planning (in Italy at the moment, so

Dual battery controller / control panel kit:


This kit comes with its own regulator but @200 Euros for 2 x 100W the deal is unbeatable!

The idea is to have both batteries solar charged while stationary for fridge, lights, radio, laptop...

Would you be so kind to send me the pdf wiring diagram and some tips on how to make the roof holes???

Thank you!
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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

Cabin : Exec 047
Location : Richmond
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Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptySun Apr 30, 2017 1:54 pm


We took Stan to the New Forest over Easter, we left booking late and as result didn't get a hook up. (Much to Mrs Surfwagen Stan's disgust as there'd be no plug in heating)

We were there for 3 nights / 5 days and despite only experiencing sunny spells, the panels managed to maintain the level of charge we arrived with.

Fortunately for me, (DVD player reference, Tim!) Mr Surfwagen Snr helped with the fitting. I have temporarily re installed the original LED panel, so in addition to the control LCD display I can still see if the EHU is working.

PDF to follow.

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

Solar Panels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels EmptyMon May 01, 2017 1:39 pm

Surfwagen Stan wrote:

We took Stan to the New Forest over Easter, we left booking late and as result didn't get a hook up.  (Much to Mrs Surfwagen Stan's disgust as there'd be no plug in heating)

Who needs EHU?!! Very Happy

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Solar Panels Melogo11
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PostSubject: Re: Solar Panels   Solar Panels Empty

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